an4.39 | | upayanti | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | upayanti mahesino.
and various creatures are killed.
upayanti mahesino.
an4.51 | | upayanti | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puthū savantī upayanti sāgaraṁ.
the cruel sea that’s home to precious gems.
Puññassa dhārā upayanti paṇḍitaṁ,
the streams of merit reach that astute person,
an5.45 | | upayanti | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puthū savantī upayanti sāgaraṁ.
the cruel sea that’s home to precious gems.
Puññassa dhārā upayanti paṇḍitaṁ,
the streams of merit reach that astute person,
dn1 | | upayānaṁ | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | seyyathidaṁ—raññaṁ niyyānaṁ bhavissati, raññaṁ aniyyānaṁ bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ upayānaṁ bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ apayānaṁ bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ upayānaṁ bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ apayānaṁ bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ jayo bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ parājayo bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ jayo bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ parājayo bhavissati, iti imassa jayo bhavissati, imassa parājayo bhavissati
а именно: [предсказывая, что] будет выступление царя [в поход], не будет выступления царя; будет наступление здешнего царя, будет отступление чужого царя; будет наступление чужого царя, будет отступление здешнего царя; будет победа здешнего царя, будет поражение чужого царя; будет победа чужого царя, будет поражение здешнего царя; будет победа одного, будет поражение другого, —
This includes making predictions that the king will march forth or march back; or that our king will attack and the enemy king will retreat, or vice versa; or that our king will triumph and the enemy king will be defeated, or vice versa; and so there will be victory for one and defeat for the other.
dn2 | | upayānaṁ | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Seyyathidaṁ—raññaṁ niyyānaṁ bhavissati, raññaṁ aniyyānaṁ bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ upayānaṁ bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ apayānaṁ bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ upayānaṁ bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ apayānaṁ bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ jayo bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ parājayo bhavissati, bāhirānaṁ raññaṁ jayo bhavissati, abbhantarānaṁ raññaṁ parājayo bhavissati, iti imassa jayo bhavissati, imassa parājayo bhavissati
а именно: [предсказывая, что] будет выступление царя [в поход], не будет выступления царя; будет наступление здешнего царя, будет отступление чужого царя; будет наступление чужого царя, будет отступление здешнего царя; будет победа здешнего царя, будет поражение чужого царя; будет победа чужого царя, будет поражение здешнего царя; будет победа одного, будет поражение другого, —
This includes making predictions that the king will march forth or march back; or that our king will attack and the enemy king will retreat, or vice versa; or that our king will triumph and the enemy king will be defeated, or vice versa; and so there will be victory for one and defeat for the other.
dn17 | | upayāpetabbaṁ upayāpetuṁ | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī paṭibalo rājānaṁ mahāsudassanaṁ upayāpetabbaṁ upayāpetuṁ, apayāpetabbaṁ apayāpetuṁ, ṭhapetabbaṁ ṭhapetuṁ.
мудрый, ясный в суждениях, разумный, сведущий, способный приводить царя Махасудассану к тому, к чему следует приводить, уводить от того, от чего следует уводить, побуждать к тому, к чему следует побуждать.
He was astute, competent, intelligent, and capable of getting the king to appoint who should be appointed, dismiss who should be dismissed, and retain who should be retained.
mn112 | | upayūpādānā | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘rūpaṁ kho ahaṁ, āvuso, abalaṁ virāgunaṁ anassāsikanti viditvā ye rūpe upāyūpādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā tesaṁ khayā virāgā nirodhā cāgā paṭinissaggā vimuttaṁ me cittanti pajānāmi.
«Друзья, познав материальную форму хилой, исчезающей, некомфортной – с уничтожением, исчезновением, прекращением, оставлением и отбрасыванием влечения и цепляния по отношению к материальной форме, [а также] умственных позиций, приверженностей, скрытых склонностей по отношению к материальной форме, я понял, что мой ум освобождён.
‘Reverends, knowing that form is powerless, faded, and unreliable, I understand that my mind is freed through the ending, fading away, cessation, giving away, and letting go of attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendency for form.
upāyūpādānā → upayūpādānā (bj, mr); upādāyupādānā (sya-all); upāyupādānā (pts1ed) | virāgunaṁ → virāgaṁ (bj, pts1ed); virāgutaṁ (ṭīkā)
mn129 | | upayāpetabbaṁ upayāpetuṁ | 4 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | paṇḍito byatto medhāvī paṭibalo rājānaṁ cakkavattiṁ upayāpetabbaṁ upayāpetuṁ apayāpetabbaṁ apayāpetuṁ ṭhapetabbaṁ ṭhapetuṁ.
мудрый, сообразительный, проницательный, способный заставить царя-миродержца постановить то, что достойно постановления, отменить то, что достойно отмены, утвердить то, что достойно утверждения.
He is astute, competent, intelligent, and capable of getting the king to appoint who should be appointed, dismiss who should be dismissed, and retain who should be retained.
upayāpetabbaṁ upayāpetuṁ → upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ upaṭṭhāpetuṁ (bj, sya-all, km); upaṭṭhapetabbaṁ upaṭṭhapetuṁ (pts1ed)
sn3.9 | | upayanti | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | upayanti mahesino.
Самых различных видов лишаются вдруг жизни.
and various creatures are killed.
upayanti mahesino.
Сопутствовать такому подношению могли б.
sn12.15 | | upayupādānaṁ upayupādānābhinivesavinibandho | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Upayupādānābhinivesavinibandho khvāyaṁ, kaccāna, loko yebhuyyena.
The world is for the most part shackled by attraction, grasping, and insisting.
Upayupādānābhinivesavinibandho → upāyupādānābhinivesavinibaddho (bj); upāyupādānābhinivesavinibandho (sya-all, km, pts1ed, pts2ed)
Tañcāyaṁ upayupādānaṁ cetaso adhiṭṭhānaṁ abhinivesānusayaṁ na upeti na upādiyati nādhiṭṭhāti: ‘attā me’ti.
But if—when it comes to this attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendency—you don’t get attracted, grasp, and commit to the thought, ‘my self’,
sn12.69 | | upayantaṁ upayantisutta upayantiyo upayanto upayantā upayantī upayāpenti upayāpeti | 31 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Upayantisutta
“mahāsamuddo, bhikkhave, upayanto mahānadiyo upayāpeti, mahānadiyo upayantiyo kunnadiyo upayāpenti, kunnadiyo upayantiyo mahāsobbhe upayāpenti, mahāsobbhā upayantā kusobbhe upayāpenti.
“Mendicants, when the ocean surges it makes the rivers surge. When the rivers surge they make the streams surge. When the streams surge they make the lakes surge. When the lakes surge they make the ponds surge.
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, avijjā upayantī saṅkhāre upayāpeti, saṅkhārā upayantā viññāṇaṁ upayāpenti, viññāṇaṁ upayantaṁ nāmarūpaṁ upayāpeti, nāmarūpaṁ upayantaṁ saḷāyatanaṁ upayāpeti, saḷāyatanaṁ upayantaṁ phassaṁ upayāpeti, phasso upayanto vedanaṁ upayāpeti, vedanā upayantī taṇhaṁ upayāpeti, taṇhā upayantī upādānaṁ upayāpeti, upādānaṁ upayantaṁ bhavaṁ upayāpeti, bhavo upayanto jātiṁ upayāpeti, jāti upayantī jarāmaraṇaṁ upayāpeti.
In the same way, when ignorance surges it makes choices surge. When choices surge they make consciousness surge. When consciousness surges it makes name and form surge. When name and form surge they make the six sense fields surge. When the six sense fields surge they make contact surge. When contact surges it makes feeling surge. When feeling surges it makes craving surge. When craving surges it makes grasping surge. When grasping surges it makes continued existence surge. When continued existence surges it makes rebirth surge. When rebirth surges it makes old age and death surge.
sn12.70 | | upayanti | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kosambī upayanti ca,
sn22.3 | | upayupādānā | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Rūpadhātuyā kho, gahapati, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā te tathāgatassa pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṁ anuppādadhammā.
The Realized One has given up any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for the form element; any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies. He has cut it off at the root, made it like a palm stump, obliterated it, so it’s unable to arise in the future.
nandī → nandi (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) | upayupādānā → upāyupādānā (sya-all, km, pts1ed) | anabhāvaṅkatā → anabhāvakatā (bj, pts1ed)
viññāṇadhātuyā kho, gahapati, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā te tathāgatassa pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṁ anuppādadhammā.
the consciousness element; any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies. He has cut it off at the root, made it like a palm stump, obliterated it, so it’s unable to arise in the future.
sn22.4 | | upayupādānā | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Rūpadhātuyā kho, gahapati, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, tesaṁ khayā virāgā nirodhā cāgā paṭinissaggā ‘cittaṁ suvimuttanti’ vuccati.
“Householder, consider any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for the form element; any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies. With the ending, fading away, cessation, giving away, and letting go of that, the mind is said to be ‘well freed’.
viññāṇadhātuyā kho, gahapati, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, tesaṁ khayā virāgā nirodhā cāgā paṭinissaggā ‘cittaṁ suvimuttanti’ vuccati.
the consciousness element; any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies. With the ending, fading away, cessation, giving away, and letting go of that, the mind is said to be ‘well freed’.
sn22.53 | | anupayo rūpupayaṁ saññupayaṁ saṅkhārupayaṁ upayasutta upayavagga upayo vedanupayaṁ | 11 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
Upayavagga → upāyavaggo (sya-all, pts1ed)
“Upayo, bhikkhave, avimutto, anupayo vimutto.
“Mendicants, if you’re involved, you’re not free. If you’re not involved, you’re free.
Upayo → upāyo (sya-all, km, pts1ed)
Rūpupayaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, rūpārammaṇaṁ rūpappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyya.
As long as consciousness remains, it would remain involved with form, supported by form, founded on form. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it would grow, increase, and mature.
Rūpupayaṁ → rūpūpāyaṁ (sya-all, km); rūpupāyaṁ (pts1ed, mr)
Vedanupayaṁ vā …pe…
Or consciousness would remain involved with feeling …
saññupayaṁ vā …pe…
Or consciousness would remain involved with perception …
saṅkhārupayaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, saṅkhārārammaṇaṁ saṅkhārappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyya.
Or as long as consciousness remains, it would remain involved with choices, supported by choices, grounded on choices. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it would grow, increase, and mature.
sn22.54 | | rūpupayaṁ saññupayaṁ saṅkhārupayaṁ upayavagga vedanupayaṁ | 5 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
Rūpupayaṁ, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, rūpārammaṇaṁ rūpappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyya.
As long as consciousness remains, it would remain involved with form, supported by form, grounded on form. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it would grow, increase, and mature.
Vedanupayaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya …pe…
Or consciousness would remain involved with feeling …
saññupayaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya …pe…
Or consciousness would remain involved with perception …
saṅkhārupayaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, saṅkhārārammaṇaṁ saṅkhārappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyya.
Or as long as consciousness remains, it would remain involved with choices, supported by choices, grounded on choices. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it would grow, increase, and mature.
sn22.55 | | rūpupayaṁ saññupayaṁ saṅkhārupayaṁ upayavagga vedanupayaṁ | 5 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
Rūpupayaṁ vā, bhikkhu, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, rūpārammaṇaṁ rūpappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyya.
As long as consciousness remains, it would remain involved with form, supported by form, founded on form. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it would grow, increase, and mature.
Vedanupayaṁ vā, bhikkhu …
Or consciousness would remain involved with feeling …
saññupayaṁ vā, bhikkhu …
Or consciousness would remain involved with perception …
saṅkhārupayaṁ vā, bhikkhu, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, saṅkhārārammaṇaṁ saṅkhārappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyya.
Or consciousness would remain involved with choices, supported by choices, grounded on choices. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it would grow, increase, and mature.
sn22.56 | | upayavagga | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
sn22.57 | | upayavagga | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
sn22.58 | | upayavagga | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
sn22.59 | | upayavagga | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
1. Глава Упая
6. Involvement
Upayavagga → pañcavaggiyasuttaṁ (bj); pañca (pts1ed)
sn22.60 | | upayavagga | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
sn22.61 | | upayavagga | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
sn22.62 | | upayavagga upayavaggo upayo | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 6. Upayavagga
6. Involvement
Majjhimapaṇṇāsakassa upayavaggo paṭhamo.
Upayo bījaṁ udānaṁ,
sn22.90 | | upayupādānaṁ upayupādānābhinivesavinibandho | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Upayupādānābhinivesavinibandho khvāyaṁ, kaccāna, loko yebhuyyena
The world is for the most part shackled by attraction, grasping, and insisting.
taṁ cāyaṁ upayupādānaṁ cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayaṁ na upeti na upādiyati nādhiṭṭhāti ‘attā me’ti.
But if—when it comes to this attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendency—you don’t get attracted, grasp, and commit to the thought, “my self”,
sn22.102 | | upayo | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Upayo arahanto ca,
sn22.112 | | upayupādānā | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Rūpe, bhikkhave, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, te pajahatha.
«Монахи, вы должны отбросить любое желание, алчность, наслаждение и привязанность к материи; и любое привлечение, удержание, умственную фиксацию, настойчивость и скрытые тенденции.
“Mendicants, you should give up any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for form; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies.
Viññāṇe yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, te pajahatha.
к вниманию; и любое привлечение, удержание, умственную фиксацию, настойчивость и скрытые тенденции.
consciousness; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies.
sn23.3 | | upayupādānā | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Rūpe kho, rādha, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā—
«Радха, желание, тяга, наслаждение, жажда, вовлечённость, цепляние, умственные позиции, приверженности, скрытые склонности в отношении формы:
“Rādha, any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for form; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies—
sn23.10 | | upayupādānā | 4 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “rūpe kho, rādha, yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, te pajahatha.
«Любое, Радха, желание, какое только существует по отношению к форме, любую жажду, наслаждение, вовлечённость и цепляние, умственные позиции, приверженности, скрытые склонности – отбросьте это.
“Rādha, you should give up any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for form; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies.
Vedanāya yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, te pajahatha.
И то же самое [следует сделать] в отношении чувства …
You should give up any desire, greed, relishing, and craving for feeling …
saṅkhāresu yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, te pajahatha.
формаций [ума] …
choices …
Viññāṇe yo chando yo rāgo yā nandī yā taṇhā ye upayupādānā cetaso adhiṭṭhānābhinivesānusayā, te pajahatha.
и сознания» …
consciousness; and any attraction, grasping, mental fixation, insistence, and underlying tendencies.
sn35.94 | | upayanti | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Papañcayantā upayanti saññino;
perceiving and proliferating, they are attracted.
sn55.41 | | upayanti | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puthū savantī upayanti sāgaraṁ.
the cruel sea that’s home to precious gems.
Puññassa dhārā upayanti paṇḍitaṁ,
the streams of merit reach that astute person,
sn55.42 | | upayanti | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puthū savantī upayanti sāgaraṁ.
the cruel sea that’s home to precious gems.
Puññassa dhārā upayanti paṇḍitaṁ,
the streams of merit reach that astute person,