Corā gāmaghātakāti kho, bhikkhave, channetaṁ bāhirānaṁ āyatanānaṁ adhivacanaṁ. ‘Bandits who raid villages’ is a term for the six exterior sense fields. Cakkhu, bhikkhave, haññati manāpāmanāpesu rūpesu; The eye is struck by both agreeable and disagreeable sights.
‘Pārimaṁ tīran’ti kho, bhikkhu, channetaṁ bāhirānaṁ āyatanānaṁ adhivacanaṁ. ‘The far shore’ is a term for the six exterior sense fields. ‘Majjhe saṁsādo’ti kho, bhikkhu, nandīrāgassetaṁ adhivacanaṁ. ‘Sinking in the middle’ is a term for greed and relishing.