Saṅkhittena bhāsitassa 32 texts and 109 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an1.188-197saṅkhittena1Pi En Ru dhamma

… saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ vibhajantānaṁ yadidaṁ mahākaccāno”ti.  … who explain in detail the meaning of a brief statement is Mahākaccāna.” 

an2.11-20saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na kho ahaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “I don’t understand the meaning of what Mister Gotama has said in brief, without explaining the details. 
Sādhu me bhavaṁ gotamo tathā dhammaṁ desetu yathā ahaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyan”ti. 
Mister Gotama, please teach me this matter in detail so I can understand the meaning.” 

an4.171saṅkhittena1Pi En Ru dhamma

“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi:  “Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 

an6.69saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” 

an7.35saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” 

an7.63saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na kho ahaṁ, bhante, imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “Sir, I don’t understand the detailed meaning of what the Buddha has said in brief. 
Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā tathā dhammaṁ desetu yathāhaṁ imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ jāneyyan”ti. 
Please teach me this matter so I can understand the detailed meaning.” 

an7.70saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” 

an10.26saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imassa kho, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti?  How should we see the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement?” 
Imassa kho, bhagini, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 

an10.28saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imassa nu kho, ayye, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti?  How should we see the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement?” 
dasa pañhā dasuddesā dasa veyyākaraṇānī’ti, imassa kho ahaṁ, āvuso, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi. 

an10.220saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na kho ahaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “I don’t understand the detailed meaning of what Mister Gotama has said in brief. 
Sādhu me bhavaṁ gotamo tathā dhammaṁ desetu yathāhaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyan”ti. 
Please, Mister Gotama, teach me this matter so I can understand the detailed meaning.” 

dn21saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  «Я полностью понимаю, господин, смысл сказанного Благостным вкратце. 
“Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement: 
Imassa kho me, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānato 
Так я полностью понимаю, господин, смысл сказанного Благостным вкратце; 
Sir, that’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 

mn41saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na kho mayaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāma.  – Мы не понимаем подробного значения утверждения господина Готамы, которое он произнёс кратко без разъяснения подробного значения.  
“We don’t understand the detailed meaning of Mister Gotama’s brief statement. 
Sādhu no bhavaṁ gotamo tathā dhammaṁ desetu, yathā mayaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyāmā”ti. 
Было бы хорошо, если бы господин Готама научил нас Дхамме так, чтобы мы могли понять подробное значение его утверждения. 
Mister Gotama, please teach us this matter in detail so we can understand the meaning.” 

mn42saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na kho mayaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāma.  – Мы не понимаем подробного значения утверждения господина Готамы, которое он произнёс кратко без разъяснения подробного значения. 
“We don’t understand the detailed meaning of Mister Gotama’s brief statement. …” 
Sādhu no bhavaṁ gotamo tathā dhammaṁ desetu yathā mayaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyāmā”ti. 
Было бы хорошо, если бы господин Готама научил нас Дхамме так, чтобы мы могли понять подробное значение его утверждения. 

mn114saṅkhittena15Pi En Ru dhamma

“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  «Уважаемый, вот как я понимаю подробное значение утверждения Благословенного, которое он высказал кратко, не дав детального разъяснения: 
“Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
Уважаемый, вот как я понимаю в подробностях значение утверждения Благословенного, которое он произнёс вкратце, не дав детального разъяснения значения». 
Sir, that’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
Хорошо, что ты так понимаешь в подробностях значение моего утверждения, которое я произнёс вкратце, не дав детального разъяснения значения». 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of my brief statement in this way.” 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo. 
“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi. 
«Уважаемый, вот как я понимаю подробное значение утверждения Благословенного, которое он высказал кратко, не дав детального разъяснения: 
“Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
Уважаемый, вот как я понимаю в подробностях значение утверждения Благословенного, которое он произнёс вкратце, не дав детального разъяснения значения». 
Sir, that’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
Хорошо, что ты так понимаешь в подробностях значение моего утверждения, которое я произнёс вкратце, не дав детального разъяснения значения». 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of my brief statement in this way.” 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo. 
“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa, evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi. 
«Уважаемый, вот как я понимаю подробное значение утверждения Благословенного, которое он высказал кратко, не дав детального разъяснения: 
“Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
Уважаемый, вот как я понимаю в подробностях значение утверждения Благословенного, которое он произнёс вкратце, не дав детального разъяснения значения». 
Sir, that’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa, vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
Хорошо, что ты так понимаешь в подробностях значение моего утверждения, которое я произнёс вкратце, не дав детального разъяснения значения». 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of my brief statement in this way.” 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo. 
Sabbepi ce, sāriputta, khattiyā imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyuṁ, sabbesānampissa khattiyānaṁ dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya. 
«Сарипутта, если бы вся знать, все брахманы, все торговцы, все рабочие понимали бы так подробное значение моего утверждения, которое я произнёс вкратце, то это привело бы к их благополучию и счастью на долгое время. 
“If all the aristocrats, brahmins, peasants, and menials were to understand the detailed meaning of my brief statement in this way, it would be for their lasting welfare and happiness. 
sabbepi ce, sāriputta, suddā imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyuṁ, sabbesānampissa suddānaṁ dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya. 
Sadevakopi ce, sāriputta, loko samārako sabrahmako sassamaṇabrāhmaṇī pajā sadevamanussā imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyya, sadevakassapissa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti. 
Если бы мир с его богами, Марами, Брахмами, c его поколением жрецов и отшельников, князей и [простых] людей, понимал бы подробное значение моего утверждения, которое я произнёс вкратце, то это привело бы мир к благополучию и счастью на долгое время». 
If the whole world—with its gods, Māras and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, gods and humans—was to understand the detailed meaning of my brief statement in this way, it would be for the whole world’s lasting welfare and happiness.” 

mn135saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na kho ahaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  'Я не понимаю подробно смысл того, что было сказано любезным Готамой кратко, без подробного объяснения смысла. 
“I don’t understand the meaning of what Mister Gotama has said in brief, without explaining the details. 
Sādhu me bhavaṁ gotamo tathā dhammaṁ desetu yathā ahaṁ imassa bhoto gotamassa saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ avibhattassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyan”ti. 
Будет хорошо, если любезный Готама научит меня Дхамме, чтобы я узнал подробно смысл сказанного любезным Готамой кратко, без подробного объяснения смысла.' 
Mister Gotama, please teach me this matter in detail so I can understand the meaning.” 

sn1.20saṅkhittena5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na khvāhaṁ, bhante, imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  «Я не понимаю в подробностях, уважаемый, значение того, что сказал вкратце Благословенный. 
“I don’t understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā tathā bhāsatu yathāhaṁ imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ jāneyyan”ti. 
Пожалуйста, уважаемый, пусть Благословенный объяснит мне это так, чтобы я поняла в подробностях значение того, что было сказано вкратце». 
Please teach me this matter so I can understand the detailed meaning.” 
“Imassapi khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa na vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi. 
«В этом случае также, уважаемый, я не понимаю в подробностях значение того, что сказал вкратце Благословенный. 
“I don’t understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement. 
Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā tathā bhāsatu yathāhaṁ imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ jāneyyan”ti. 
Пожалуйста, уважаемый, пусть Благословенный объяснит мне это так, чтобы я поняла в подробностях значение того, что было сказано вкратце». 
Please teach me this matter so I can understand the detailed meaning.” 
“Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi— 
«Уважаемый, я понимаю в подробностях значение того, что сказал вкратце Благословенный, так: 
“This is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement: 

sn12.31saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

Imassa nu kho, sāriputta, saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti?  How should we see the detailed meaning of this brief statement?” 
Imassa nu kho, sāriputta, saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti? 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
This is how I understand the detailed meaning of what was said in brief.” 
Imassa kho, sāriputta, saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what was said in brief.” 

sn12.70saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Na khvāhaṁ imassa āyasmantānaṁ saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.  “I don’t understand the detailed meaning of what you have said in brief. 
Sādhu me āyasmanto tathā bhāsantu yathāhaṁ imassa āyasmantānaṁ saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyan”ti. 
Please teach me this matter so I can understand the detailed meaning.” 
“Na khvāhaṁ, bhante, imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi. 
“Sir, I don’t understand the detailed meaning of what you have said in brief. 
Sādhu me, bhante, bhagavā tathā bhāsatu yathāhaṁ imassa bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājāneyyan”ti. 
Please teach me this matter so I can understand the detailed meaning.” 

sn22.3saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imassa nu kho, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti?  How should we see the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement?” 
Imassa kho, gahapati, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 

sn22.4saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imassa nu kho, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti?  How should we see the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement?” 
Imassa kho, gahapati, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 

sn22.35saṅkhittena3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 

sn22.36saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.63saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” 

sn22.64saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.65saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.66saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.67saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.68saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.69saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn22.70saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathā kathaṁ pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsī”ti?  “But how do you see the detailed meaning of my brief statement?” 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi. 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this. 
Imassa kho, bhikkhu, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti …pe… 
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” … 

sn35.95saṅkhittena4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi:  “This is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement: 
Imassa khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti. 
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.” 
Sādhu kho tvaṁ, mālukyaputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi: 
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this.” And he repeated the verses in full. 
Imassa kho, mālukyaputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti. 
“This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.” 

sn41.5saṅkhittena2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imassa nu kho, gahapati, saṅkhittena bhāsitassa kathaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti?  How should we see the detailed meaning of this brief statement?” 
Imassa kho, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti.