Sakkāyo 10 texts and 20 matches in Suttanta Pali

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an4.33sakkāyo1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘iti sakkāyo, iti sakkāyasamudayo, iti sakkāyanirodho, iti sakkāyanirodhagāminī paṭipadā’ti.   ‘Such is substantial reality, such is the origin of substantial reality, such is the cessation of substantial reality, such is the practice that leads to the cessation of substantial reality.’  

an6.61sakkāyo1Pi En Ru dhamma

“sakkāyo kho, āvuso, eko anto, sakkāyasamudayo dutiyo anto, sakkāyanirodho majjhe, taṇhā sibbinī;   “Substantial reality, reverends, is one end. The origin of substantial reality is the second end. The cessation of substantial reality is the middle. And craving is the seamstress,  

dn33sakkāyo1Pi En Ru dhamma

sakkāyo anto, sakkāyasamudayo anto, sakkāyanirodho anto.   конец своего тела, конец возникновения своего тела, конец уничтожения своего тела.  
substantial reality, the origin of substantial reality, and the cessation of substantial reality.  

mn44sakkāyo sakkāyo’ti5Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘sakkāyo sakkāyo’ti, ayye, vuccati.   – Досточтимая, «личность, личность» – так говорят.  
“Ma’am, they speak of this thing called ‘substantial reality’.  
Katamo nu kho, ayye, sakkāyo vutto bhagavatā”ti?  
Что Благословенный называет личностью?  
What is this substantial reality that the Buddha spoke of?”  
“Pañca kho ime, āvuso visākha, upādānakkhandhā sakkāyo vutto bhagavatā,  
– Друг Висакха, эти пять совокупностей, подверженные цеплянию, Благословенный называет личностью:  
“Visākha, the Buddha said that these five grasping aggregates are substantial reality.  
Ime kho, āvuso visākha, pañcupādānakkhandhā sakkāyo vutto bhagavatā”ti.  
Эти пять совокупностей, подверженные цеплянию, Благословенный называет личностью.  
The Buddha said that these five grasping aggregates are substantial reality.”  

mn64sakkāyotipi1Pi En Ru dhamma

Daharassa hi, mālukyaputta, kumārassa mandassa uttānaseyyakassa sakkāyotipi na hoti, kuto panassa uppajjissati sakkāyadiṭṭhi?   Ведь у лежащего младенца нет даже представления о личности, так как же у него может возникнуть воззрение о «я»?  
For a little baby doesn’t even have a concept of ‘substantial reality’, so how could substantialist view possibly arise in them?  

mn106sakkāyo2Pi En Ru dhamma

esa sakkāyo yāvatā sakkāyo.   это то, докуда простирается личность.  
that is substantial reality as far as substantial reality extends.  

sn22.105sakkāyo2Pi En Ru dhamma

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, sakkāyo?   Что такое Самоопределение?  
And what is substantial reality?  
Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sakkāyo.  
Это называется Самоопределением.  
This is called substantial reality.  

sn22.112sakkāyo1Pi En Ru dhamma

Anto dukkhañca sakkāyo,    

sn38.15sakkāyo sakkāyo’ti5Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘Sakkāyo, sakkāyo’ti, āvuso sāriputta, vuccati.   “Reverend Sāriputta, they speak of this thing called ‘substantial reality’.  
Katamo nu kho, āvuso, sakkāyo”ti?  
What is substantial reality?”  
“Pañcime, āvuso, upādānakkhandhā sakkāyo vutto bhagavatā, seyyathidaṁ— 
“Reverend, the Buddha said that these five grasping aggregates are substantial reality. That is,  
Ime kho, āvuso, pañcupādānakkhandhā sakkāyo vutto bhagavatā”ti.  
The Buddha said that these five grasping aggregates are substantial reality.”  

sn38.16sakkāyo1Pi En Ru dhamma

bhavo dukkhañca sakkāyo.   "