All-round view on Four Noble Truths
in Pali Suttas and Vinaya.
Understand the real meaning
of Four Noble Truths
and finish the pain.
Tāni ce sutte osāriyamānāni vinaye sandassiyamānāni na ceva sutte osaranti, na ca vinaye sandissanti, niṭṭhamettha gantabbaṃ: "addhā, idaṃ na ceva tassa bhagavato vacanaṃ; tassa ca therassa duggahita"nti. Iti hetaṁ, bhikkhave, chaḍḍeyyātha.
If they (teachings, practices, methods, quotes, stories, anything associated with the Buddha) are not found in the Suttas and are not exhibited in the Vinaya, you should draw the conclusion: ‘Clearly this is not the word of the Blessed One. It has been wrongly understood by that senior monk.’ And so, monks, you should reject it.
Find.Dhamma.Gift is a Liberation Search Engine for Dhamma and Vinaya, core of the Pali Canon. Search results in informative tables with line by line translations from,, DPR+ATI,, and
You can search in Pali, Russian, Thai, and English for meanings, definitions, metaphors, explanations, people, places, and more as described in Suttas and Vinaya.Dhamma enthusiasts and contributors, especially developers, are warmly invited to participate.
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