Warning! Translations, dictionaries and commentaries were not made by the Blessed One. Cross-check with Pali in 4 main nikayas.
Translated by Bhikkhu Sujato
KhuddakanikāyaMinor Collection
DhammapadaSayings of the Dhamma 221–234
Kodhavagga17. Anger
Kodhaṁ jahe vippajaheyya mānaṁ,Give up anger, get rid of conceit, Saṁyojanaṁ sabbamatikkameyya;and escape every fetter. Taṁ nāmarūpasmimasajjamānaṁ,Sufferings don’t befall one who has nothing, Akiñcanaṁ nānupatanti dukkhā.not clinging to name and form.
Yo ve uppatitaṁ kodhaṁ,When anger surges like a lurching chariot, rathaṁ bhantaṁva vāraye;
vāraye → dhāraye (bj, sya-all, pts1ed, pts2ed)
keep it in check.
Tamahaṁ sārathiṁ brūmi,That’s what I call a charioteer; rasmiggāho itaro jano.others just hold the reins.
Akkodhena jine kodhaṁ,Defeat anger with kindness, asādhuṁ sādhunā jine;villainy with virtue, Jine kadariyaṁ dānena,stinginess with giving, saccenālikavādinaṁ.and lies with truth.
Saccaṁ bhaṇe na kujjheyya,Speak the truth, do not be angry, dajjā appampi yācito;
dajjā appampi → dajjā'ppasmimpi (bj); dajjā appasmi (sya-all, pts2ed, mr); dajjā appasmiṁ (pts1ed)
and give when asked, if only a little.
Etehi tīhi ṭhānehi,By these three means, gacche devāna santike.you may enter the presence of the gods.
Ahiṁsakā ye munayo,
Ahiṁsakā ye munayo → ahiṁsakāyā munayo (mr)
Those harmless sages,
niccaṁ kāyena saṁvutā;always restrained in body, Te yanti accutaṁ ṭhānaṁ,go to the state that does not pass, yattha gantvā na socare.where there is no sorrow.
Sadā jāgaramānānaṁ,Always wakeful, ahorattānusikkhinaṁ;practicing night and day, Nibbānaṁ adhimuttānaṁ,focused only on extinguishment, atthaṁ gacchanti āsavā.their defilements come to an end.
Porāṇametaṁ atula,It’s always been this way, Atula, netaṁ ajjatanāmiva;it’s not just today. Nindanti tuṇhimāsīnaṁ,They blame you when you’re silent, nindanti bahubhāṇinaṁ;they blame you when you speak a lot, Mitabhāṇimpi nindanti,and even when you speak just right: natthi loke anindito.no-one in the world escapes blame.
Na cāhu na ca bhavissati,There never was, nor will be, na cetarahi vijjati;nor is there today, Ekantaṁ nindito poso,someone who is wholly praised ekantaṁ vā pasaṁsito.or wholly blamed.
Yañce viññū pasaṁsanti,If, after watching them day in day out, anuvicca suve suve;discerning people praise Acchiddavuttiṁ medhāviṁ,
Acchiddavuttiṁ → acchinnavuttiṁ (mr)
that sage of impeccable conduct,
paññāsīlasamāhitaṁ.endowed with ethics and wisdom;
Nikkhaṁ jambonadasseva,
Nikkhaṁ → nekkhaṁ (bj, sya-all, pts1ed, pts2ed)
like a pendant of Black Plum River gold,
ko taṁ ninditumarahati;who is worthy to criticize them? Devāpi naṁ pasaṁsanti,Even the gods praise them, brahmunāpi pasaṁsito.and by the Divinity, too, they’re praised.
Kāyappakopaṁ rakkheyya,Guard against ill-tempered deeds, kāyena saṁvuto siyā;be restrained in body. Kāyaduccaritaṁ hitvā,Giving up bad bodily conduct, kāyena sucaritaṁ care.conduct yourself well in body.
Vacīpakopaṁ rakkheyya,Guard against ill-tempered words, vācāya saṁvuto siyā;be restrained in speech. Vacīduccaritaṁ hitvā,Giving up bad verbal conduct, vācāya sucaritaṁ care.conduct yourself well in speech.
Manopakopaṁ rakkheyya,Guard against ill-tempered thoughts, manasā saṁvuto siyā;be restrained in mind. Manoduccaritaṁ hitvā,Giving up bad mental conduct, manasā sucaritaṁ care.conduct yourself well in mind.
Kāyena saṁvutā dhīrā,An attentive one is restrained in body atho vācāya saṁvutā;restrained also in speech, Manasā saṁvutā dhīrā,in thought, too, they are restrained: te ve suparisaṁvutā.they are restrained in every way.
Kodhavaggo sattarasamo.
Translated by Bhikkhu Sujato
Warning! Translations, dictionaries and commentaries were not made by the Blessed One. Cross-check with Pali in 4 main nikayas.