
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

1: The Book of the Ones

1. Obsession of the Mind - 322

1"Bhikkhus, with a badly expounded Dhamma and discipline, moderation should be known by the giver of a gift, not by the recipient.[n.177] Dāyakena mattā jānitabbā no paṭiggāhakena. Mp: "One should give within measure. One should not give fully, in excess. He (the Buddha) does not say ‘one should not give,’ but ‘one should give a little, moderately.’ Why? Because even if one gives fully, in excess, one does not achieve (as the fruit of one's gift) the state of a human being, or a heavenly rebirth, or the attainment of nibbāna. There is no need for the recipient to be moderate in receiving. Why? Because he does not have to be moderate when things are being given to him fully; he does not practice fewness of wishes based on receiving in moderation." For what reason? Because that Dhamma is badly expounded."

1"Durakkhāte, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye dāyakena mattā jānitabbā, no paṭiggāhakena. Taṁ kissa hetu? Durakkhātattā, bhikkhave, dhammassā"ti.