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Dīgha Nikāya
Majjhima Nikāya
Saṁyutta Nikāya
Vol. 1 ‒ The Book with Verses
Vol. 2 ‒ The Book of Causation
Vol. 3 ‒ The Book of the Aggregates
Vol. 4 ‒ The Book of the Six Sense Bases
Vol. 5 ‒ The Great Book
Aṅguttara Nikāya
The Ones
The Twos
The Threes
The Fours
The Fives
The Sixes
The Sevens
The Eights
The Nines
The Tens
The Elevens
Khuddaka Nikāya
The Khuddakapatha
The Dhammapada
Sutta Nipata
The Theragatha
The Therigatha
Vinaya Piṭaka
Bhikkhu Vibhaṅga
Bhikkhu Pāṭimokkha
Bhikkhunī Pāṭimokkha
Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga
Dīgha Nikāya
Majjhima Nikāya
Saṁyutta Nikāya
Aṅguttara Nikāya
Khuddaka Nikāya
Vinaya Piṭaka
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses
4: Saṁyutta Nikāya - The Book of the Six Sense Bases - Salāyatanavagga
SN35: Connected Discourses on the Six Sense Bases
SN36: Connected Discourses on Feeling
SN37: Connected Discourses on Women
SN38: Connected Discourses with Jambukhadaka
SN39: Connected Discourses with Samaṇḍaka
SN40: Connected Discourses with Moggallana
SN41: Connected Discourses with Citta
SN42: Connected Discourses to Headmen
SN43: Connected Discourses on the Unconditioned
SN44: Connected Discourses on the Undeclared
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