1 |
Mūlapariyāyasutta |
The Root of All Things |
2 |
Sabbāsavasutta |
All the Taints |
3 |
Dhammadāyādasutta |
Heirs in Dhamma |
4 |
Bhayabheravasutta |
Fear and Dread |
5 |
Anaṅgaṇasutta |
Without Blemishes |
6 |
Ākaṅkheyyasutta |
If a Bhikkhu Should Wish |
7 |
Vatthasutta |
The Simile of the Cloth |
8 |
Sallekhasutta |
Effacement |
9 |
Sammādiṭṭhisutta |
Right View |
10 |
Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta |
The Foundations of Mindfulness |
11 |
Cūḷasīhanādasutta |
The Shorter Discourse
on the Lion's Roar |
12 |
Mahāsīhanādasutta |
The Greater Discourse
on the Lion's Roar |
13 |
Mahādukkhakkhandhasutta |
The Greater Discourse
on the Mass of Suffering |
14 |
Cūḷadukkhakkhandhasutta |
The Shorter Discourse
on the Mass of Suffering |
15 |
Anumānasutta |
Inference |
16 |
Cetokhilasutta |
The Wilderness in the Heart |
17 |
Vanapatthasutta |
Jungle Thickets |
18 |
Madhupiṇḍikasutta |
The Honeyball |
19 |
Dvedhāvitakkasutta |
Two Kinds of Thought |
20 |
Vitakkasaṇṭhānasutta |
The Removal of Distracting Thoughts |
21 |
Kakacūpamasutta |
The Simile of the Saw |
22 |
Alagaddūpamasutta |
The Simile of the Snake |
23 |
Vammikasutta |
The Ant-hill |
24 |
Rathavinītasutta |
The Relay Chariots |
25 |
Nivāpasutta |
The Bait |
26 |
Ariyapariyesanāsutta |
The Noble Search |
27 |
Cūḷahatthipadopamasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on the Simile
of the Elephant's Footprint |
28 |
Mahāhatthipadopamasutta |
The Greater Discourse on the Simile
of the Elephant's Footprint |
29 |
Mahāsāropamasutta |
The Greater Discourse
on the Simile of the Heartwood |
30 |
Cūḷasāropamasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on the Simile
of the Heartwood |
31 |
Cūḷagosiṅgasutta |
The Shorter Discourse in Gosiṅga |
32 |
Mahāgosiṅgasutta |
The Greater Discourse in Gosiṅga |
33 |
Mahāgopālakasutta |
The Greater Discourse on the Cowherd |
34 |
Cūḷagopālakasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on the Cowherd |
35 |
Cūḷasaccakasutta |
The Shorter Discourse to Saccaka |
36 |
Mahāsaccakasutta |
The Greater Discourse to Saccaka |
37 |
Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on the
Destruction of Craving |
38 |
Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
The Greater Discourse on the
Destruction of Craving |
39 |
Mahāassapurasutta |
The Greater Discourse at Assapura |
40 |
Cūḷaassapurasutta |
The Shorter Discourse at Assapura |
41 |
Sāleyyakasutta |
The Brahmins of Sālā |
42 |
Verañjakasutta |
The Brahmins of Verañja |
43 |
Mahāvedallasutta |
The Greater Series of
Questions and Answers |
44 |
Cūḷavedallasutta |
The Shorter Series of
Questions and Answers |
45 |
Cūḷadhammasamādānasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on Ways of
Undertaking Things |
46 |
Mahādhammasamādānasutta |
The Greater Discourse on Ways of
Undertaking Things |
47 |
Vīmaṁsakasutta |
The Inquirer |
48 |
Kosambiyasutta |
The Kosambians |
49 |
Brahmanimantanikasutta |
The Invitation of a Brahmā |
50 |
Māratajjanīyasutta |
The Rebuke to Māra |
51 |
Kandarakasutta |
To Kandaraka |
52 |
Aṭṭhakanāgarasutta |
The Man from Aṭṭhakanāgara |
53 |
Sekhasutta |
The Disciple in Higher Training |
54 |
Potaliyasutta |
To Potaliya |
55 |
Jīvakasutta |
To Jīvaka |
56 |
Upālisutta |
To Upāli |
57 |
Kukkuravatikasutta |
The Dog-Duty Ascetic |
58 |
Abhayarājakumārasutta |
To Prince Abhaya |
59 |
Bahuvedanīyasutta |
The Many Kinds of Feeling |
60 |
Apaṇṇakasutta |
The Incontrovertible Teaching |
61 |
Ambalaṭṭhikarāhulovādasutta |
Advice to Rāhula at Ambalaṭṭhikā |
62 |
Mahārāhulovādasutta |
The Greater Discourse of
Advice to Rāhula |
63 |
Cūḷamālukyasutta |
The Shorter Discourse to
Mālunkyāputta |
64 |
Mahāmālukyasutta |
The Greater Discourse to
Mālunkyāputta |
65 |
Bhaddālisutta |
To Bhaddāli |
66 |
Laṭukikopamasutta |
The Simile of the Quail |
67 |
Cātumasutta |
At Cātumā |
68 |
Naḷakapānasutta |
At Naḷakapāna |
69 |
Goliyānisutta |
Gulissāni |
70 |
Kīṭāgirisutta |
At Kīṭāgiri |
71 |
Tevijjavacchasutta |
To Vacchagotta on the
Threefold True Knowledge |
72 |
Aggivacchasutta |
To Vacchagotta on Fire |
73 |
Mahāvacchasutta |
The Greater Discourse to Vacchagotta |
74 |
Dīghanakhasutta |
To Dīghanakha |
75 |
Māgaṇḍiyasutta |
To Māgandiya |
76 |
Sandakasutta |
To Sandaka |
77 |
Mahāsakuludāyisutta |
The Greater Discourse
to Sakuludāyin |
78 |
Samaṇamuṇḍikasutta |
Samaṇamaṇḍikāputta |
79 |
Cūḷasakuludāyisutta |
The Shorter Discourse to Sakuludāyin |
80 |
Vekhanasasutta |
To Vekhanassa |
81 |
Ghaṭikārasutta |
Ghaṭīkāra the Potter |
82 |
Raṭṭhapālasutta |
On Raṭṭhapāla |
83 |
Maghadevasutta |
King Makhādeva |
84 |
Madhurasutta |
At Madhurā |
85 |
Bodhirājakumārasutta |
To Prince Bodhi |
86 |
Aṅgulimālasutta |
On Angulimāla |
87 |
Piyajātikasutta |
Born from Those Who Are Dear |
88 |
Bāhitikasutta |
The Cloak |
89 |
Dhammacetiyasutta |
Monuments to the Dhamma |
90 |
Kaṇṇakatthalasutta |
At Kaṇṇakatthala |
91 |
Brahmāyusutta |
Brahmāyu |
92 |
Selasutta |
To Sela |
93 |
Assalāyanasutta |
To Assalāyana |
94 |
Ghoṭamukhasutta |
To Ghoṭamukha |
95 |
Caṅkīsutta |
With Caṅkī |
96 |
Esukārīsutta |
To Esukārī |
97 |
Dhanañjānisutta |
To Dhānañjāni |
98 |
Vāseṭṭhasutta |
To Vāseṭṭha |
99 |
Subhasutta |
To Subha |
100 |
Saṅgāravasutta |
To Sangārava |
101 |
Devadahasutta |
At Devadaha |
102 |
Pañcattayasutta |
The Five and Three |
103 |
Kintisutta |
What Do You Think About Me? |
104 |
Sāmagāmasutta |
At Sāmagāma |
105 |
Sunakkhattasutta |
To Sunakkhatta |
106 |
Āneñjasappāyasutta |
The Way to the Imperturbable |
107 |
Gaṇakamoggallānasutta |
To Gaṇaka Moggallāna |
108 |
Gopakamoggallānasutta |
With Gopaka Moggallāna |
109 |
Mahāpuṇṇamasutta |
The Greater Discourse on the Full-Moon Night |
110 |
Cūḷapuṇṇamasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on the Full-Moon Night |
111 |
Anupadasutta |
One by One As They Occurred |
112 |
Chabbisodhanasutta |
The Sixfold Purity |
113 |
Sappurisasutta |
The True Man |
114 |
Sevitabbāsevitabbasutta |
To Be Cultivated and Not to Be Cultivated |
115 |
Bahudhātukasutta |
The Many Kinds of Elements |
116 |
Isigilisutta |
Isigili: The Gullet of the Seers |
117 |
Mahācattārīsakasutta |
The Great Forty |
118 |
Ānāpānassatisutta |
Mindfulness of Breathing |
119 |
Kāyagatāsatisutta |
Mindfulness of the Body |
120 |
Saṅkhārupapattisutta |
Reappearance by Aspiration |
121 |
Cūḷasuññatasutta |
The Shorter Discourse on Voidness |
122 |
Mahāsuññatasutta |
The Greater Discourse on Voidness |
123 |
Acchariyaabbhutasutta |
Wonderful and Marvellous |
124 |
Bākulasutta |
Bakkula |
125 |
Dantabhūmisutta |
The Grade of the Tamed |
126 |
Bhūmijasutta |
Bhūmija |
127 |
Anuruddhasutta |
Anuruddha |
128 |
Upakkilesasutta |
Imperfections |
129 |
Bālapaṇḍitasutta |
Fools and Wise Men |
130 |
Devadūtasutta |
The Divine Messengers |
131 |
Bhaddekarattasutta |
A Single Excellent Night |
132 |
Ānandabhaddekarattasutta |
Ānanda and A Single Excellent Night |
133 |
Mahākaccānabhaddekarattasutta |
Mahā Kaccāna and A Single Excellent Night |
134 |
Lomasakaṅgiyabhaddekarattasutta |
Lomasakangiya and A Single Excellent Night |
135 |
Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasutta |
The Shorter Exposition of Action |
136 |
Mahākammavibhaṅgasutta |
The Greater Exposition of Action |
137 |
Saḷāyatanavibhaṅgasutta |
The Exposition of the Sixfold Base |
138 |
Uddesavibhaṅgasutta |
The Exposition of a Summary |
139 |
Araṇavibhaṅgasutta |
The Exposition of Non-Conflict |
140 |
Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta |
The Exposition of the Elements |
141 |
Saccavibhaṅgasutta |
The Exposition of the Truths |
142 |
Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅgasutta |
The Exposition of Offerings |
143 |
Anāthapiṇḍikovādasutta |
Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika |
144 |
Channovādasutta |
Advice to Channa |
145 |
Puṇṇovādasutta |
Advice to Puṇṇa |
146 |
Nandakovādasutta |
Advice from Nandaka |
147 |
Cūḷarāhulovādasutta |
The Shorter Discourse of
Advice to Rāhula |
148 |
Chachakkasutta |
The Six Sets of Six |
149 |
Mahāsaḷāyatanikasutta |
The Great Sixfold Base |
150 |
Nagaravindeyyasutta |
To the Nagaravindans |
151 |
Piṇḍapātapārisuddhisutta |
The Purification of Almsfood |
152 |
Indriyabhāvanāsutta |
The Development of the Faculties |