1Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: "Bhikkhus."—"Venerable sir," they replied. The Blessed One said this: | 1Evaṁ me sutaṁ— ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: "bhikkhavo"ti. "Bhadante"ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca: |
"Bhikkhus, live under a protector, not without a protector. One without a protector lives in suffering. There are these ten qualities that serve as a protector. What ten? | "Sanāthā, bhikkhave, viharatha, mā anāthā. Dukkhaṁ, bhikkhave, anātho viharati. Dasayime, bhikkhave, nāthakaraṇā dhammā. Katame dasa? |
2(1) "Here, a bhikkhu is virtuous; he dwells restrained by the Pāṭimokkha, possessed of good conduct and resort, seeing danger in minute faults. Having undertaken the training rules, he trains in them. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu is truly virtuous …. Having undertaken the training rules, he trains in them,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This is a quality that serves as a protector. | 2Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sīlavā hoti … pe … samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu. ‘Sīlavā vatāyaṁ bhikkhu pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvuto viharati ācāragocarasampanno aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvī, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesū’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (1) |
3(2) "Again, a bhikkhu has learned much, remembers what he has learned, and accumulates what he has learned. Those teachings that are good in the beginning … with the right meaning and phrasing, which proclaim the perfectly complete and pure spiritual life—such teachings as these he has learned much of, retained in mind, recited verbally, investigated mentally, and penetrated well by view. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu has truly learned much … and penetrated well by view,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 3Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu bahussuto hoti … pe … diṭṭhiyā suppaṭividdhā. ‘Bahussuto vatāyaṁ bhikkhu sutadharo sutasannicayo, ye te dhammā ādikalyāṇā majjhekalyāṇā pariyosānakalyāṇā sātthaṁ sabyañjanaṁ kevalaparipuṇṇaṁ parisuddhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ abhivadanti, tathārūpāssa dhammā bahussutā honti dhātā vacasā paricitā manasānupekkhitā diṭṭhiyā suppaṭividdhā’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (2) |
4(3) "Again, a bhikkhu has good friends, good companions, good comrades. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu truly has good friends, good companions, good comrades,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 4Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇamitto hoti kalyāṇasahāyo kalyāṇasampavaṅko. ‘Kalyāṇamitto vatāyaṁ bhikkhu kalyāṇasahāyo kalyāṇasampavaṅko’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (3) |
5(4) "Again, a bhikkhu is easy to correct and possesses qualities that make him easy to correct; he is patient and receives instruction respectfully. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu is truly easy to correct and possesses qualities that make him easy to correct; he is patient and receives instruction respectfully,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 5Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu suvaco hoti sovacassakaraṇehi dhammehi samannāgato, khamo padakkhiṇaggāhī anusāsaniṁ. ‘Suvaco vatāyaṁ bhikkhu sovacassakaraṇehi dhammehi samannāgato, khamo padakkhiṇaggāhī anusāsanin’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (4) |
6(5) "Again, a bhikkhu is skillful and diligent in attending to the diverse chores that are to be done for his fellow monks; he possesses sound judgment about them in order to carry out and arrange them properly. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu is truly skillful and diligent … in order to carry out and arrange them properly,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 6Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yāni tāni sabrahmacārīnaṁ uccāvacāni kiṅkaraṇīyāni, tattha dakkho hoti analaso, tatrūpāyāya vīmaṁsāya samannāgato, alaṁ kātuṁ alaṁ saṁvidhātuṁ. ‘Yāni tāni sabrahmacārīnaṁ uccāvacāni kiṅkaraṇīyāni, tattha dakkho vatāyaṁ bhikkhu analaso, tatrūpāyāya vīmaṁsāya samannāgato, alaṁ kātuṁ alaṁ saṁvidhātun’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (5) |
7(6) "Again, a bhikkhu loves the Dhamma and is pleasing in his assertions, filled with a lofty joy pertaining to the Dhamma and discipline. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu truly loves the Dhamma and is pleasing in his assertions, filled with a lofty joy pertaining to the Dhamma and discipline,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 7Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dhammakāmo hoti piyasamudāhāro, abhidhamme abhivinaye uḷārapāmojjo. ‘Dhammakāmo vatāyaṁ bhikkhu piyasamudāhāro, abhidhamme abhivinaye uḷārapāmojjo’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (6) |
8(7) "Again, a bhikkhu has aroused energy for abandoning unwholesome qualities and acquiring wholesome qualities; he is strong, firm in exertion, not casting off the duty of cultivating wholesome qualities. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu truly has aroused energy … … not casting off the duty of cultivating wholesome qualities,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 8Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu āraddhavīriyo viharati akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya, kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ upasampadāya, thāmavā daḷhaparakkamo anikkhittadhuro kusalesu dhammesu ‘āraddhavīriyo vatāyaṁ bhikkhu viharati akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya, kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ upasampadāya, thāmavā daḷhaparakkamo anikkhittadhuro kusalesu dhammesū’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (7) |
9(8) "Again, a bhikkhu is content with any kind of robe, almsfood, lodging, and medicines and provisions for the sick. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu truly is content with any kind of robe, almsfood, lodging, and medicines and provisions for the sick,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 9Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītaracīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkārena. ‘Santuṭṭho vatāyaṁ bhikkhu itarītaracīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkārenā’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (8) |
10(9) "Again, a bhikkhu is mindful, possessing supreme mindfulness and alertness, one who remembers and recollects what was done and said long ago. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu truly is mindful, possessing supreme mindfulness and alertness, one who remembers and recollects what was done and said long ago,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 10Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu satimā hoti paramena satinepakkena samannāgato, cirakatampi cirabhāsitampi saritā anussaritā. ‘Satimā vatāyaṁ bhikkhu paramena satinepakkena samannāgato, cirakatampi cirabhāsitampi saritā anussaritā’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa majjhimānukampitassa navānukampitassa vuddhiyeva pāṭikaṅkhā kusalesu dhammesu, no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (9) |
11(10) "Again, a bhikkhu is wise; he possesses the wisdom that discerns arising and passing away, which is noble and penetrative and leads to the complete destruction of suffering. Having considered: ‘This bhikkhu truly is wise; he possesses the wisdom that discerns arising and passing away, which is noble and penetrative and leads to the complete destruction of suffering,’ the elder bhikkhus, those of middle standing, and the junior bhikkhus think he should be corrected and instructed. Since they all have compassion for him, only growth in wholesome qualities and not decline is to be expected for him. This, too, is a quality that serves as a protector. | 11Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paññavā hoti udayatthagāminiyā paññāya samannāgato ariyāya nibbedhikāya sammā dukkhakkhayagāminiyā. ‘Paññavā vatāyaṁ bhikkhu udayatthagāminiyā paññāya samannāgato ariyāya nibbedhikāya sammā dukkhakkhayagāminiyā’ti therāpi naṁ bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti, majjhimāpi bhikkhū … navāpi bhikkhū vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññanti. Tassa therānukampitassa … pe … no parihāni. Ayampi dhammo nāthakaraṇo. (10) |
12"Bhikkhus, live under a protector, not without a protector. One without a protector lives in suffering. These are the ten qualities that serve as a protector." | 12Sanāthā, bhikkhave, viharatha, mā anāthā. Dukkhaṁ, bhikkhave, anātho viharati. Ime kho, bhikkhave, dasa nāthakaraṇā dhammā"ti. Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandunti. Aṭṭhamaṁ. |