1On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: "Bhikkhus!" | 1Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: "bhikkhavo"ti. |
"Venerable sir," those bhikkhus replied. The Blessed One said this: | "Bhadante"ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca: |
2"Bhikkhus, be observant of virtuous behavior and observant of the Pāṭimokkha. Dwell restrained by the Pāṭimokkha, possessed of good conduct and resort, seeing danger in minute faults. Having undertaken them, train in the training rules. | 2"Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā, pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino, samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesu. |
3(1) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I be pleasing and agreeable to my fellow monks, respected and esteemed by them,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior, be devoted to internal serenity of mind, not neglect the jhānas, be possessed of insight, and resort to empty huts. | 3Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘sabrahmacārīnaṁ piyo cassaṁ manāpo ca garu ca bhāvanīyo cā’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (1) |
4(2) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I gain robes, almsfood, lodging, and medicines and provisions for the sick,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 4Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘lābhī assaṁ cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkārānan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (2) |
5(3) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May the services of those whose robes, almsfood, lodging, and medicines and provisions for the sick I use be of great fruit and benefit to them,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 5Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘yesāhaṁ paribhuñjāmi cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkārānaṁ tesaṁ te kārā mahapphalā assu mahānisaṁsā’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (3) |
6(4) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘When my deceased relatives and family members, after passing away, remember me with confidence in their minds, may this be of great fruit and benefit to them,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 6Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘ye me petā ñātī sālohitā kālaṅkatā pasannacittā anussaranti tesaṁ taṁ mahapphalaṁ assa mahānisaṁsan’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (4) |
7(5) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I be content with any kind of robe, almsfood, lodging, and medicines and provisions for the sick,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 7Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘santuṭṭho assaṁ itarītaracīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkārenā’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (5) |
8(6) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I patiently endure cold and heat; hunger and thirst; contact with flies, mosquitoes, wind, the burning sun, and serpents; and rude and offensive ways of speech. May I be able to bear up with arisen bodily feelings that are painful, racking, sharp, piercing, harrowing, disagreeable, sapping one's vitality,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 8Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘khamo assaṁ sītassa uṇhassa jighacchāya pipāsāya ḍaṁsamakasavātātapasarīsapasamphassānaṁ, duruttānaṁ durāgatānaṁ vacanapathānaṁ uppannānaṁ sārīrikānaṁ vedanānaṁ dukkhānaṁ tibbānaṁ kharānaṁ kaṭukānaṁ asātānaṁ amanāpānaṁ pāṇaharānaṁ adhivāsakajātiko assan’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (6) |
9(7) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I become one who vanquishes discontent and delight, and may discontent and delight not vanquish me. May I overcome discontent and delight whenever they arise,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 9Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘aratiratisaho assaṁ, na ca maṁ aratirati saheyya, uppannaṁ aratiratiṁ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (7) |
10(8) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I become one who vanquishes fear and terror, and may fear and terror not vanquish me. May I overcome fear and terror whenever they arise,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 10Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘bhayabheravasaho assaṁ, na ca maṁ bhayabheravo saheyya, uppannaṁ bhayabheravaṁ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (8) |
11(9) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I gain at will, without trouble or difficulty, the four jhānas that constitute the higher mind and are pleasant dwellings in this very life,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior … and resort to empty huts. | 11Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī’ti, sīlesvevassa … pe … brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (9) |
12(10) "If a bhikkhu should wish: ‘May I, with the destruction of the taints, realize for myself with direct knowledge, in this very life, the taintless liberation of mind, liberation by wisdom, and having entered upon it, dwell in it,’ let him fulfill virtuous behavior, be devoted to internal serenity of mind, not neglect the jhānas, be possessed of insight, and resort to empty huts. | 12Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ. (10) |
13"When it was said: ‘Bhikkhus, be observant of virtuous behavior and observant of the Pāṭimokkha; dwell restrained by the Pāṭimokkha, possessed of good conduct and resort, seeing danger in minute faults; having undertaken them, train in the training rules,’ it is because of this that this was said." | 13‘Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā, pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino, samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesū’ti, iti yaṁ taṁ vuttaṁ, idametaṁ paṭicca vuttan"ti. Paṭhamaṁ. |