
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

11: The Book of the Elevens


1"Bhikkhus, possessing eleven factors, a cowherd is capable of keeping and rearing a herd of cattle.[n.2233] Be does not include this series of suttas, perhaps assuming that it was implied by the preceding. Ee includes it only as three short sections within the larger sutta on the simile of the cowherd. What eleven? Here, (1) a cowherd has knowledge of form; (2) he is skilled in characteristics; (3) he picks out flies’ eggs; (4) he dresses wounds; (5) he smokes out the sheds; (6) he knows the watering place; (7) he knows what it is to have drunk; (8) he knows the road; (9) he is skilled in pastures; (10) he does not milk dry; and (11) he shows extra veneration to those bulls who are fathers and leaders of the herd. Possessing these eleven factors, a cowherd is capable of keeping and rearing a herd of cattle.

1Ekādasahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi samannāgato gopālako bhabbo gogaṇaṁ pariharituṁ phātikātuṁ. Katamehi ekādasahi? Idha, bhikkhave, gopālako rūpaññū hoti … pe ….

2"So too, bhikkhus, possessing eleven qualities, a bhikkhu is capable of dwelling contemplating impermanence in the eye … all as above down to: … is capable of dwelling contemplating relinquishment in examination of phenomena … "

2Evameva kho, bhikkhave, ekādasahi dhammehi samannāgato bhikkhu bhabbo cakkhusmiṁ aniccānupassī viharituṁ … pe … paṭinissaggānupassī viharitunti.