
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

2: The Book of the Twos


1"Bhikkhus, a male lay follower endowed with faith, rightly aspiring, should aspire thus: ‘May I become like Citta the householder and Hatthaka of Āḷavī!’ This is the standard and criterion for my male lay disciples, that is, Citta the householder and Hatthaka of Āḷavī."[n.321] See AN1.250 & AN1.251.

1"Saddho, bhikkhave, upāsako evaṁ sammā āyācamāno āyāceyya:  ‘tādiso homi yādiso citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako’ti. Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvakānaṁ upāsakānaṁ yadidaṁ citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako"ti.