2: The Book of the Twos
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi (More copyright information)
1Then the householder Anāthapiṇḍika approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, sat down to one side, and said to him: |
"Who in the world, Bhante, is worthy of offerings, and where is a gift to be given?" |
"There are, householder, two in the world worthy of offerings: the trainee and the one beyond training.[n.254] Mp: "The ‘trainee’ (sekha) refers to the seven trainees (from the one on the path of stream-entry to the one on the path of arahantship). But the virtuous worldling (sīlavantaputhujjana) can also be included under the stream-enterer." These are the two in the world worthy of offerings and a gift is to be gIV. Untamedto them." |
2This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, further said this: |
3"In this world the trainee and one beyond training