
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

3: The Book of the Threes

26. To be Associated With

1"Bhikkhus, there are these three kinds of persons found existing in the world. What three? (1) There is a person who is not to be associated with, followed, and served; (2) a person who is to be associated with, followed, and served; and (3) a person who is to be associated with, followed, and served with honor and respect.

1"Tayome, bhikkhave, puggalā santo saṁvijjamānā lokasmiṁ. Katame tayo? Atthi, bhikkhave, puggalo na sevitabbo na bhajitabbo na payirupāsitabbo. Atthi, bhikkhave, puggalo sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo. Atthi, bhikkhave, puggalo sakkatvā garuṁ katvā sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo.

(1) "And what kind of person, bhikkhus, is not to be associated with, followed, and served? Here, some person is inferior to oneself in virtuous behavior, concentration, and wisdom. Such a person is not to be associated with, followed, and served except out of sympathy and compassion.

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, puggalo na sevitabbo na bhajitabbo na payirupāsitabbo? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo hīno hoti sīlena samādhinā paññāya. Evarūpo, bhikkhave, puggalo na sevitabbo na bhajitabbo na payirupāsitabbo aññatra anuddayā aññatra anukampā.

2(2) "And what kind of person is to be associated with, followed, and served? Here, some person is similar to oneself in virtuous behavior, concentration, and wisdom. Such a person is to be associated with, followed, and served. For what reason? Because one considers: ‘Since we are similar with regard to virtuous behavior, we will have a discussion on virtuous behavior, and it will flow on smoothly between us, and we will feel at ease. Since we are similar with regard to concentration, we will have a discussion on concentration, and it will flow on smoothly between us, and we will feel at ease. Since we are similar with regard to wisdom, we will have a discussion on wisdom, and it will flow on smoothly between us, and we will feel at ease.’ Therefore such a person is to be associated with, followed, and served.

2Katamo ca, bhikkhave, puggalo sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo sadiso hoti sīlena samādhinā paññāya. Evarūpo, bhikkhave, puggalo sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo. Taṁ kissa hetu? Sīlasāmaññagatānaṁ sataṁ sīlakathā ca no bhavissati, sā ca no pavattinī bhavissati, sā ca no phāsu bhavissati. Samādhisāmaññagatānaṁ sataṁ samādhikathā ca no bhavissati, sā ca no pavattinī bhavissati, sā ca no phāsu bhavissati. Paññāsāmaññagatānaṁ sataṁ paññākathā ca no bhavissati, sā ca no pavattinī bhavissati, sā ca no phāsu bhavissatīti. Tasmā evarūpo puggalo sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo.

3(3) "And what kind of person is to be associated with, followed, and served with honor and respect? Here, some person is superior to oneself in virtuous behavior, concentration, and wisdom. Such a person is to be associated with, followed, and served with honor and respect. For what reason? Because one considers: ‘In such a way I will fulfill the aggregate of virtuous behavior that I have not yet fulfilled or assist with wisdom in various respects the aggregate of virtuous behavior that I have fulfilled. I will fulfill the aggregate of concentration that I have not yet fulfilled or assist with wisdom in various respects the aggregate of concentration that I have fulfilled. I will fulfill the aggregate of wisdom that I have not yet fulfilled or assist with wisdom in various respects the aggregate of wisdom that I have fulfilled.’[n.363] Tattha tattha paññāya anuggahessāmi. Mp: "One assists with wisdom the aggregate of virtuous behavior in one or another respect by avoiding those things that are uncongenial and unhelpful to virtuous behavior and by cultivating those things that are congenial and helpful (to it). The same method holds for the aggregates of concentration and wisdom." "Aggregate of virtuous behavior" (sīlakkhandha) is spoken of in the sense of the assemblage of factors that constitute virtuous behavior, and so too for the aggregates of concentration and wisdom. Therefore such a person is to be associated with, followed, and served with honor and respect.

"These, bhikkhus, are the three kinds of persons found existing in the world."

3Katamo ca, bhikkhave, puggalo sakkatvā garuṁ katvā sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo adhiko hoti sīlena samādhinā paññāya. Evarūpo, bhikkhave, puggalo sakkatvā garuṁ katvā sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo. Taṁ kissa hetu? Iti aparipūraṁ vā sīlakkhandhaṁ paripūressāmi, paripūraṁ vā sīlakkhandhaṁ tattha tattha paññāya anuggahessāmi; aparipūraṁ vā samādhikkhandhaṁ paripūressāmi, paripūraṁ vā samādhikkhandhaṁ tattha tattha paññāya anuggahessāmi; aparipūraṁ vā paññākkhandhaṁ paripūressāmi, paripūraṁ vā paññākkhandhaṁ tattha tattha paññāya anuggahessāmīti. Tasmā evarūpo puggalo sakkatvā garuṁ katvā sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo. class="verse"Ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo puggalā santo saṁvijjamānā lokasminti.

4One who associates with an inferior person declines;
one who associates with an equal does not decline;
attending on a superior person one develops quickly;
therefore you should follow one superior to yourself.

4Nihīyati puriso nihīnasevī,
Na ca hāyetha kadāci tulyasevī;
Seṭṭhamupanamaṁ udeti khippaṁ,
Tasmā attano uttariṁ bhajethā"ti.
