
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

4: The Book of the Fours

202. Devoid of Faith

1"Bhikkhus, I will teach you about the bad person and the person inferior to the bad person; about the good person and the person superior to the good person. Listen and attend closely; I will speak."

"Yes, Bhante," those bhikkhus replied. The Blessed One said this:

1"Asappurisañca vo, bhikkhave, desessāmi, asappurisena asappurisatarañca; sappurisañca, sappurisena sappurisatarañca. Taṁ suṇātha … pe ….

2(1) "And who, bhikkhus, is the bad person? Here, someone is devoid of faith, morally shameless, morally reckless, deficient in learning, lazy, muddle-minded, and unwise. This is called the bad person.

2"Katamo ca, bhikkhave, asappuriso? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco assaddho hoti, ahiriko hoti, anottappī hoti, appassuto hoti, kusīto hoti, muṭṭhassati hoti, duppañño hoti. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, asappuriso.

3(2) "And who is the person inferior to the bad person? Here, someone is himself devoid of faith and encourages others to be devoid of faith; he is himself morally shameless and encourages others to be morally shameless; he is himself morally reckless and encourages others to be morally reckless; he is himself deficient in learning and encourages others to be deficient in learning; he is himself lazy and encourages others in laziness; he is himself muddle-minded and encourages others in being muddle-minded; he is himself unwise and encourages others in lack of wisdom. This is called the person inferior to the bad person.

3Katamo ca, bhikkhave, asappurisena asappurisataro? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco attanā ca assaddho hoti, parañca assaddhiye samādapeti; attanā ca ahiriko hoti, parañca ahirikatāya samādapeti; attanā ca anottappī hoti, parañca anottappe samādapeti; attanā ca appassuto hoti, parañca appassute samādapeti; attanā ca kusīto hoti, parañca kosajje samādapeti; attanā ca muṭṭhassati hoti, parañca muṭṭhassacce samādapeti; attanā ca duppañño hoti, parañca duppaññatāya samādapeti. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, asappurisena asappurisataro.

4(3) "And who is the good person? Here, someone is endowed with faith, has a sense of moral shame and moral dread, and is learned, energetic, mindful, and wise. This is called the good person.

4Katamo ca, bhikkhave, sappuriso? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco saddho hoti, hirimā hoti, ottappī hoti, bahussuto hoti, āraddhavīriyo hoti, satimā hoti, paññavā hoti. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sappuriso.

5(4) "And who is the person superior to the good person? Here, someone is himself accomplished in faith and encourages others to be accomplished in faith; he himself has a sense of moral shame and encourages others in moral shame; he himself has moral dread and encourages others in moral dread; he is himself learned and encourages others in learning; he is himself energetic and encourages others to arouse energy; he is himself mindful and encourages others to establish mindfulness; he is himself wise and encourages others to be accomplished in wisdom. This is called the person superior to the good person."

5Katamo ca, bhikkhave, sappurisena sappurisataro? Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco attanā ca saddhāsampanno hoti, parañca saddhāsampadāya samādapeti; attanā ca hirimā hoti, parañca hirimatāya samādapeti; attanā ca ottappī hoti, parañca ottappe samādapeti; attanā ca bahussuto hoti, parañca bāhusacce samādapeti; attanā ca āraddhavīriyo hoti, parañca vīriyārambhe samādapeti; attanā ca upaṭṭhitassati hoti, parañca satiupaṭṭhāne samādapeti; attanā ca paññāsampanno hoti, parañca paññāsampadāya samādapeti. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sappurisena sappurisataro"ti.
