
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

4: The Book of the Fours

27. Contentment

1"Bhikkhus, there are these four trifles, easily gained and blameless. What four?

1"Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, appāni ca sulabhāni ca, tāni ca anavajjāni. Katamāni cattāri?

(1) "A rag-robe is a trifle among robes, easily gained and blameless. (2) A lump of almsfood is a trifle among meals, easily gained and blameless. (3) The foot of a tree is a trifle among lodgings, easily gained and blameless. (4) Putrid urine is a trifle among medicines, easily gained and blameless.[n.675] Pūtimuttaṁ. There is a belief in traditional ayurvedic medicine that cow's urine into which gall nuts have been soaked has potent medicinal properties. But Mp says that any urine counts, "for just as a golden-colored body is called a foul body, so even fresh urine is called putrid urine."

Paṁsukūlaṁ, bhikkhave, cīvarānaṁ appañca sulabhañca, tañca anavajjaṁ. Piṇḍiyālopo, bhikkhave, bhojanānaṁ appañca sulabhañca, tañca anavajjaṁ. Rukkhamūlaṁ, bhikkhave, senāsanānaṁ appañca sulabhañca, tañca anavajjaṁ. Pūtimuttaṁ, bhikkhave, bhesajjānaṁ appañca sulabhañca, tañca anavajjaṁ.

"These are the four trifles, easily gained and blameless. When a bhikkhu is satisfied with what is trifling and easily gained, I say that he has one of the factors of the ascetic life."

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri appāni ca sulabhāni ca, tāni ca anavajjāni. Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu appena ca tuṭṭho hoti sulabhena ca, idamassāhaṁ aññataraṁ sāmaññaṅganti vadāmīti.

2When one is content with what is blameless,
trifling and easily gained;
when one's mind is not distressed
because of a lodging,
robe, drink, and food,
one is not hindered anywhere.[n.676] Disā na paṭihaññati. Lit. "The region (or quarter) is not hindered." But disā may be a truncated instrumental, with paṭihaññati referring to the monk. Thus "he is not hindered by (or ‘in’) any quarter."

2Anavajjena tuṭṭhassa,
appena sulabhena ca;
Na senāsanamārabbha,
cīvaraṁ pānabhojanaṁ;
Vighāto hoti cittassa,
disā nappaṭihaññati.

3These qualities, rightly said
to conform to the ascetic life,
are acquired by a bhikkhu[n.677] Reading with Ce bhikkhuno, as against Be and Ee sikkhato, "one in training."
who is content and heedful.

3Ye cassa dhammā akkhātā,
Adhiggahitā tuṭṭhassa,
appamattassa sikkhato"ti.
