1"Bhikkhus, there are these four ways of answering questions.[n.722] See AN3.67 and AN3.67, n. 464. What four? (1) There is a question to be answered categorically; (2) there is a question to be answered after making a distinction; (3) there is a question to be answered with a counter-question; and (4) there is a question to be set aside. These are the four ways of answering questions." | 1"Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, pañhabyākaraṇāni. Katamāni cattāri? Atthi, bhikkhave, pañho ekaṁsabyākaraṇīyo; atthi, bhikkhave, pañho vibhajjabyākaraṇīyo; atthi, bhikkhave, pañho paṭipucchābyākaraṇīyo; atthi, bhikkhave, pañho ṭhapanīyo. Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri pañhabyākaraṇānīti. |
2One kind is given a categorical answer,
another is answered after making a distinction;
to the third, one should raise a counter-question,
but the fourth should be set aside. | 2Ekaṁsavacanaṁ ekaṁ,
Tatiyaṁ paṭipuccheyya,
catutthaṁ pana ṭhāpaye. |
3When a bhikkhu knows how to answer
each type in the appropriate way,
they say that he is skilled
in the four kinds of questions. | 3Yo ca tesaṁ tattha tattha,
jānāti anudhammataṁ;
Catupañhassa kusalo,
āhu bhikkhuṁ tathāvidhaṁ. |
4He is hard to attack, hard to defeat,
deep, hard to assault;
he is proficient in both
what is beneficial and harmful. | 4Durāsado duppasaho,
gambhīro duppadhaṁsiyo;
Atho atthe anatthe ca,
ubhayassa hoti kovido. |
5The wise person avoids what is harmful,
and takes up what is beneficial.
By arriving at what is beneficial,
the steadfast one is said to be wise. | 5Anatthaṁ parivajjeti,
atthaṁ gaṇhāti paṇḍito;
Atthābhisamayā dhīro,
paṇḍitoti pavuccatī"ti. Dutiyaṁ. |