
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

4: The Book of the Fours

57. Suppavāsā

1On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Koliyans near the Koliyan town named Sajjanela. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed, took his bowl and robe, and went to the residence of the Koliyan daughter Suppavāsā, where he sat down in the prepared seat.[n.741] At AN1.263 she is designated the foremost among givers of what is excellent. Then the Koliyan daughter Suppavāsā, with her own hand, served and satisfied the Blessed One with various kinds of delicious food. When the Blessed One had finished eating and had put away his bowl, the Koliyan daughter Suppavāsā sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to her:

1Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā koliyesu viharati pajjanikaṁ nāma koliyānaṁ nigamo. Atha kho bhagavā pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena suppavāsāya koliyadhītuyā nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. Atha kho suppavāsā koliyadhītā bhagavantaṁ paṇītena khādanīyena bhojanīyena sahatthā santappesi sampavāresi. Atha kho suppavāsā koliyadhītā bhagavantaṁ bhuttāviṁ onītapattapāṇiṁ ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho suppavāsaṁ koliyadhītaraṁ bhagavā etadavoca: 

2"Suppavāsā, a female noble disciple who gives food gives the recipients four things. What four? She gives life, beauty, happiness, and strength. (1) Having given life, she partakes of life, whether celestial or human. (2) Having given beauty, she partakes of beauty, whether celestial or human. (3) Having given happiness, she partakes of happiness, whether celestial or human. (4) Having given strength, she partakes of strength, whether celestial or human. Suppavāsā, a female noble disciple who gives food gives the recipients these four things."

2"Bhojanaṁ, suppavāse, dentī ariyasāvikā paṭiggāhakānaṁ cattāri ṭhānāni deti. Katamāni cattāri? Āyuṁ deti, vaṇṇaṁ deti, sukhaṁ deti, balaṁ deti. Āyuṁ kho pana datvā āyussa bhāginī hoti dibbassa vā mānusassa vā. Vaṇṇaṁ datvā vaṇṇassa bhāginī hoti dibbassa vā mānusassa vā. Sukhaṁ datvā sukhassa bhāginī hoti dibbassa vā mānusassa vā. Balaṁ datvā balassa bhāginī hoti dibbassa vā mānusassa vā. Bhojanaṁ, suppavāse, dentī ariyasāvikā paṭiggāhakānaṁ imāni cattāri ṭhānāni detīti.

3When one gives well-prepared food,
pure, delicious, and flavorful,
to the upright ones who are
exalted and of excellent conduct,
that offering, which links merit with merit,
is praised as very fruitful
by the world-knowers.[n.742] Mp identifies the "world-knowers" (lokavidūna) with the Buddhas.

3Susaṅkhataṁ bhojanaṁ yā dadāti,
Suciṁ paṇītaṁ rasasā upetaṁ;
Sā dakkhiṇā ujjugatesu dinnā,
Caraṇūpapannesu mahaggatesu;
Puññena puññaṁ saṁsandamānā,
Mahapphalā lokavidūna vaṇṇitā.

4Those recollecting such generosity
dwell in the world inspired by joy.
Having removed the stain of miserliness and its root,
blameless, they go to the heavenly abode.

4Etādisaṁ yaññamanussarantā,
Ye vedajātā vicaranti loke;
Vineyya maccheramalaṁ samūlaṁ,
Aninditā saggamupenti ṭhānan"ti.
