
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

5: The Book of the Fives

11. Not Heard Before

1"Bhikkhus, I claim to have attained the consummation and perfection of direct knowledge regarding things not heard before.[n.979] Pubbāhaṁ bhikkhave ananussutesu dhammesu abhiññāvosānapāramippatto paṭijānāmi. Mp: "‘Since, by means of the four paths, I have completed the sixteenfold task in regard to the four (noble) truths, I claim to have reached consummation and perfection, having directly known it; (that is,) I have attained supremacy in accomplishing my task by finishing all tasks.’ He shows the virtues he himself reached on the terrace of the great enlightenment."

1"Pubbāhaṁ, bhikkhave, ananussutesu dhammesu abhiññāvosānapāramippatto paṭijānāmi.

"There are these five Tathāgata's powers that the Tathāgata has, possessing which he claims the place of the chief bull, roars his lion's roar in the assemblies, and sets in motion the brahma wheel.[n.980] See AN4.8 for a parallel treatment of the four grounds of self=confidence, AN6.64 for six Tathāgata's powers, and AN10.21, AN10.22 for the ten Tathāgata's powers. What five? The power of faith, the power of moral shame, the power of moral dread, the power of energy, and the power of wisdom. These are the five Tathāgata's powers that the Tathāgata has, possessing which he claims the place of the chief bull, roars his lion's roar in the assemblies, and sets in motion the brahma wheel."

Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa tathāgatabalāni, yehi balehi samannāgato tathāgato āsabhaṁ ṭhānaṁ paṭijānāti, parisāsu sīhanādaṁ nadati, brahmacakkaṁ pavatteti. Katamāni pañca? Saddhābalaṁ, hirībalaṁ, ottappabalaṁ, vīriyabalaṁ, paññābalaṁ – imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañca tathāgatassa tathāgatabalāni yehi balehi samannāgato tathāgato āsabhaṁ ṭhānaṁ paṭijānāti, parisāsu sīhanādaṁ nadati, brahmacakkaṁ pavattetī"ti.
