
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

5: The Book of the Fives

25. Assisted

1"Bhikkhus, when right view is assisted by five factors, it has liberation of mind as its fruit, liberation of mind as its fruit and benefit; it has liberation by wisdom as its fruit, liberation by wisdom as its fruit and benefit.[n.988] Mp: "Right view here is the right view of insight. Liberation of mind (cetovimutti) is the concentration of the path and fruit, and liberation by wisdom (paññāvimutti) is the knowledge of the fruit." Ps I 164,29–31, commenting on cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttim at MN I 35,36–37, identifies liberation of mind with the concentration pertaining to the fruit of arahantship, and liberation by wisdom with the wisdom pertaining to the fruit of arahantship.

1"Pañcahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi anuggahitā sammādiṭṭhi cetovimuttiphalā ca hoti cetovimuttiphalānisaṁsā ca, paññāvimuttiphalā ca hoti paññāvimuttiphalānisaṁsā ca.

2What five? Here, right view is assisted by virtuous behavior, learning, discussion, calm, and insight. When right view is assisted by these five factors, it has liberation of mind as its fruit, liberation of mind as its fruit and benefit; it has liberation by wisdom as its fruit, liberation by wisdom as its fruit and benefit."

2Katamehi pañcahi? Idha, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi sīlānuggahitā ca hoti, sutānuggahitā ca hoti, sākacchānuggahitā ca hoti, samathānuggahitā ca hoti, vipassanānuggahitā ca hoti. Imehi kho, bhikkhave, pañcahi aṅgehi anuggahitā sammādiṭṭhi cetovimuttiphalā ca hoti cetovimuttiphalānisaṁsā ca, paññāvimuttiphalā ca hoti paññāvimuttiphalānisaṁsā cā"ti.
