
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

5: The Book of the Fives

27. Concentration

1"Bhikkhus, being alert and mindful, develop concentration that is measureless.[n.992] Appamāṇan. Mp: "Devoid of measure-creating qualities, world-transcending" (pamāṇakaradhammarahitaṁ lokuttaraṁ). Normally, the Nikāyas identify the measureless concentration with the four divine abodes (brahmavihāra), but some texts also recognize a world-transcending measureless concentration, obtained with the destruction of the three "measure-producing" qualities: greed, hatred, and delusion. See MN 43.64, I 298,8–9; SN 41:7, IV 297,11–12. When, alert and mindful, you develop concentration that is measureless, five kinds of knowledge arise that are personally yours. What five? (1) The knowledge arises that is personally yours: ‘This concentration is presently pleasant and in the future has a pleasant result.’ (2) The knowledge arises that is personally yours: ‘This concentration is noble and spiritual.’ (3) The knowledge arises that is personally yours: ‘This concentration is not practiced by low persons.’ (4) The knowledge arises that is personally yours: ‘This concentration is peaceful and sublime, gained by full tranquilization, and attained to unification; it is not reined in and checked by forcefully suppressing (the defilements).’[n.993] See p. 1669, notes 560–61. (5) The knowledge arises that is personally yours: ‘I enter this concentration[n.994] Be omits samādhiṁ. Apparently this is not a typographical error, as according to a note in Ee, the same omission commonly occurs in Burmese manuscripts. mindfully and I emerge from it mindfully.’

1"Samādhiṁ, bhikkhave, bhāvetha appamāṇaṁ nipakā patissatā. Samādhiṁ, bhikkhave, bhāvayataṁ appamāṇaṁ nipakānaṁ patissatānaṁ pañca ñāṇāni paccattaññeva uppajjanti. Katamāni pañca? ‘Ayaṁ samādhi paccuppannasukho ceva āyatiñca sukhavipāko’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, ‘Ayaṁ samādhi ariyo nirāmiso’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, ‘Ayaṁ samādhi akāpurisasevito’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, ‘Ayaṁ samādhi santo paṇīto paṭippassaddhaladdho ekodibhāvādhigato, na sasaṅkhāraniggayhavāritagato’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, ‘sato kho panāhaṁ imaṁ samāpajjāmi sato vuṭṭhahāmī’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati.

2Bhikkhus, being alert and continuously mindful, develop concentration that is measureless. When you are alert and mindful, developing concentration that is measureless, these five kinds of knowledge arise that are personally yours."

2Samādhiṁ, bhikkhave, bhāvetha appamāṇaṁ nipakā patissatā. Samādhiṁ, bhikkhave, bhāvayataṁ appamāṇaṁ nipakānaṁ patissatānaṁ imāni pañca ñāṇāni paccattaññeva uppajjantī"ti.
