5: The Book of the Fives
44. The Giver of the Agreeable
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi (More copyright information)
1On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Vesālī in the hall with the peaked roof in the Great Wood. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed, took his bowl and robe, and went to the residence of the householder Ugga of Vesālī, where he sat down in the appointed seat. Then the householder Ugga of Vesālī approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, sat down to one side, and said to the Blessed One: |
2"Bhante, in the presence of the Blessed One I heard and learned this: ‘The giver of what is agreeable gains what is agreeable.’ Bhante, my sal flower porridge is agreeable.[n.1028] Sālapupphakaṁ khādaniyaṁ. Mp: "A food similar to sal flour; it is made with hill-rice flour prepared with the four sweets (honey, sugar, butter, and ghee)." Let the Blessed One accept it from me, out of compassion." The Blessed One accepted, out of compassion. |
3"Bhante, in the presence of the Blessed One I heard and learned this: ‘The giver of what is agreeable gains what is agreeable.’ Bhante, my pork embellished with jujubes is agreeable.[n.1029] Reading with Be sampannakolakaṁ sūkaramaṁsaṁ. Mp: "The flesh of a one-year-old pig cooked with spices such as cumin seeds, etc., together with sweet jujube fruits." Let the Blessed One accept it from me, out of compassion." The Blessed One accepted, out of compassion. |
4"Bhante, in the presence of the Blessed One I heard and learned this: ‘The giver of what is agreeable gains what is agreeable.’ Bhante, my fried vegetable stalks are agreeable.[n.1030] Ce nibaddhatelakaṁ nāḷiyasākaṁ (Be nibattatelakaṁ nāliyasākaṁ). Mp: "The vegetable stalks are cooked in ghee mixed with cumin and other spices, which have been pulverized together with hill-rice flour; then they are coated with the four sweets and put out until they acquire a particular aroma." Let the Blessed One accept them from me, out of compassion." The Blessed One accepted, out of compassion. |
5"Bhante, in the presence of the Blessed One I heard and learned this: ‘The giver of what is agreeable gains what is agreeable.’ Bhante, my boiled hill rice cleared of dark grains, accompanied by various sauces and condiments, is agreeable. Let the Blessed One accept it from me, out of compassion." The Blessed One accepted, out of compassion. |
6"Bhante, in the presence of the Blessed One I heard and learned this: ‘The giver of what is agreeable gains what is agreeable.’ Bhante, my cloths from Kāsi are agreeable. Let the Blessed One accept them from me, out of compassion." The Blessed One accepted, out of compassion. |
7"Bhante, in the presence of the Blessed One I heard and learned this: ‘The giver of what is agreeable gains what is agreeable.’ Bhante, my couch spread with rugs, blankets, and covers, with an excellent covering of antelope hide, with a canopy above and red bolsters at both ends, is agreeable. Although I know this is not allowable for the Blessed One, this sandalwood plank of mine is worth over a thousand.[n.1031] So Ce. Be and Ee "over a hundred thousand" (adhikasatasahassaṁ). Presumably this refers to kahāpaṇas, the major currency unit. Let the Blessed One accept it from me, out of compassion." The Blessed One accepted, out of compassion. |
Then the Blessed One expressed his appreciation to the householder Ugga of Vesālī thus: |
8"The giver of the agreeable gains the agreeable,
9"Having known the arahants to be like a field
10Then, after expressing his appreciation to the householder Ugga of Vesālī, the Blessed One rose from his seat and left. |
11Then, some time later, the householder Ugga of Vesālī passed away. After his death, the householder Ugga of Vesālī was reborn among a certain group of mind-made deities.[n.1033] Aññataraṁ manomayaṁ kāyaṁ upapajjati. I follow Mp in taking this expression, as used here, to mean that he was reborn among a group (kāya) of deities rather than that he was reborn with a mind-made body. Mp: "(Reborn) into a group of devas in the pure abodes who are produced through the mind of jhāna" (suddhāvāsesu ekaṁ jhānamanena nibbattaṁ devakāyaṁ). Also, at AN III 348,28 –349,1 (= V 139,5 –8) we find tusitaṁ kāyaṁ upapanno, where kāyaṁ must mean "group." In relation to the spiritual powers, manomaya kāya signifies a subtle body produced by the meditative mind, as at AN I 24,2. See too AN5.166. On that occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's Park. Then, when the night had advanced, the young deva Ugga, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta's Grove, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and stood to one side. The Blessed One then said to him: "I hope, Ugga, that it is as you would have wished." |
"Surely, Bhante, it is as I had wished." |
Then the Blessed One addressed the young deva Ugga with verses: |
12"The giver of the agreeable gains the agreeable;
13"The person who gives the best,