
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

6: The Book of the Sixes


1"Bhikkhus, for direct knowledge of lust, six things are to be developed. What six? The perception of impermanence, the perception of suffering in what is impermanent, the perception of non-self in what is suffering, the perception of abandoning, the perception of dispassion, and the perception of cessation. For direct knowledge of lust, these six things are to be developed."

1"Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya cha dhammā bhāvetabbā. Katame cha? Aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā. Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya ime cha dhammā bhāvetabbā"ti.