7: The Book of the Sevens
31. Ruin
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi (More copyright information)
1"Bhikkhus, there are these seven ruins for a lay follower. What seven? (1) He stops seeing bhikkhus; (2) he neglects listening to the good Dhamma; (3) he does not train in the higher virtuous behavior; (4) he is full of suspicion toward bhikkhus, whether they be elders, newly ordained, or of middle standing; (5) he listens to the Dhamma with a mind bent on criticism, seeking to find faults with it; (6) he seeks a person worthy of offerings among outsiders; (7) he first does meritorious deeds there.Tattha ca pubbakāraṁ karoti. See AN5.175, AN6.93. Mp: "He first gives to those following other creeds and only afterwards to bhikkhus." These are the seven ruins of a lay follower. Bhikkhus, there are these seven victories for a lay follower. What seven? (1) He does not stop seeing bhikkhus; (2) he does not neglect listening to the good Dhamma; (3) he trains in the higher virtuous behavior; (4) he is full of confidence in bhikkhus, whether they be elders, newly ordained, or of middle standing; (5) he listens to the Dhamma with a mind that is not bent on criticism, not seeking to find faults with it; (6) he does not seek a person worthy of offerings among outsiders; (7) he first does meritorious deeds here. These are the seven victories for a lay follower."Be, but not Ce or Ee, has the following before the verses: "This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, further said this." |
2The lay follower who stops seeing
3whose suspicion toward the bhikkhus
4with a mind bent on criticism;
5these seven well-taught principles
6The lay follower who does not stop seeing
7whose confidence in the bhikkhus
8the lay follower who seeks none
9these seven well-taught principles