
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

7: The Book of the Sevens

31. Ruin

1"Bhikkhus, there are these seven ruins for a lay follower. What seven? (1) He stops seeing bhikkhus; (2) he neglects listening to the good Dhamma; (3) he does not train in the higher virtuous behavior; (4) he is full of suspicion toward bhikkhus, whether they be elders, newly ordained, or of middle standing; (5) he listens to the Dhamma with a mind bent on criticism, seeking to find faults with it; (6) he seeks a person worthy of offerings among outsiders; (7) he first does meritorious deeds there.Tattha ca pubbakāraṁ karoti. See AN5.175, AN6.93. Mp: "He first gives to those following other creeds and only afterwards to bhikkhus." These are the seven ruins of a lay follower.

Bhikkhus, there are these seven victories for a lay follower. What seven? (1) He does not stop seeing bhikkhus; (2) he does not neglect listening to the good Dhamma; (3) he trains in the higher virtuous behavior; (4) he is full of confidence in bhikkhus, whether they be elders, newly ordained, or of middle standing; (5) he listens to the Dhamma with a mind that is not bent on criticism, not seeking to find faults with it; (6) he does not seek a person worthy of offerings among outsiders; (7) he first does meritorious deeds here. These are the seven victories for a lay follower."Be, but not Ce or Ee, has the following before the verses: "This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, further said this."

1"Sattime, bhikkhave, upāsakassa parābhavā … pe … sattime, bhikkhave, upāsakassa sambhavā. Katame satta? Bhikkhudassanaṁ na hāpeti, saddhammassavanaṁ nappamajjati, adhisīle sikkhati, pasādabahulo hoti, bhikkhūsu theresu ceva navesu ca majjhimesu ca anupārambhacitto dhammaṁ suṇāti na randhagavesī, na ito bahiddhā dakkhiṇeyyaṁ gavesati, idha ca pubbakāraṁ karoti. Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta upāsakassa sambhavāti.

2The lay follower who stops seeing
bhikkhus who have developed themselves,
who stops hearing the noble ones’ teachings,
and does not train in the higher virtue;

2Dassanaṁ bhāvitattānaṁ,
Yo hāpeti upāsako;
Savanañca ariyadhammānaṁ,
Adhisīle na sikkhati.

3whose suspicion toward the bhikkhus
is ever on the increase;
who wants to listen to the good Dhamma

3Appasādo ca bhikkhūsu,
bhiyyo bhiyyo pavaḍḍhati;
Upārambhakacitto ca,
saddhammaṁ sotumicchati.

4with a mind bent on criticism;
the lay follower who seeks
one worthy of offerings among outsiders
and first undertakes to do
meritorious deeds toward them:

4Ito ca bahiddhā aññaṁ,
dakkhiṇeyyaṁ gavesati;
Tattheva ca pubbakāraṁ,
yo karoti upāsako.

5these seven well-taught principles
describe what leads to decline.
A lay follower who resorts to them
falls away from the good Dhamma.

5Ete kho parihāniye,
satta dhamme sudesite;
Upāsako sevamāno,
saddhammā parihāyati.

6The lay follower who does not stop seeing
bhikkhus who have developed themselves,
who listens to the noble ones’ teachings,
and trains in the higher virtue;

6Dassanaṁ bhāvitattānaṁ,
Yo na hāpeti upāsako;
Savanañca ariyadhammānaṁ,
Adhisīle ca sikkhati.

7whose confidence in the bhikkhus
is ever on the increase;
who wants to listen to the good Dhamma
with a mind not bent on criticism;

7Pasādo cassa bhikkhūsu,
bhiyyo bhiyyo pavaḍḍhati;
Anupārambhacitto ca,
saddhammaṁ sotumicchati.

8the lay follower who seeks none
worthy of offerings among outsiders;
but who here first undertakes
to do meritorious deeds:

8Na ito bahiddhā aññaṁ,
dakkhiṇeyyaṁ gavesati;
Idheva ca pubbakāraṁ,
yo karoti upāsako.

9these seven well-taught principles
describe what leads to non-decline.
A lay follower who resorts to them
does not fall away from the good Dhamma.

9Ete kho aparihāniye,
Satta dhamme sudesite;
Upāsako sevamāno,
Saddhammā na parihāyatī"ti.

Vajjisattakavaggo tatiyo.

10Sāranda vassakāro ca,
tisattakāni bhikkhukā;
Bodhisaññā dve ca hāni,
vipatti ca parābhavoti.