
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

7: The Book of the Sevens

45. Accessories

1"There are, bhikkhus, these seven accessories of concentration. What seven? Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, and right mindfulness. One-pointedness of mind equipped with these seven factors is called noble right concentration ‘with its supports’ and ‘with its accessories.’"[n.1508] Ariyo sammāsamādhi sa-upaniso itipi saparikkhāro itipi. The "supports" (upanisā) and "accessories" (parikkhārā) are the other seven path factors. See too MN 117, III 71,22.

1"Sattime, bhikkhave, samādhiparikkhārā. Katame satta? Sammādiṭṭhi, sammāsaṅkappo, sammāvācā, sammākammanto, sammāājīvo, sammāvāyāmo, sammāsati. Yā kho, bhikkhave, imehi sattahaṅgehi cittassekaggatā parikkhatā, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ariyo sammāsamādhi saupaniso itipi saparikkhāro itipī"ti.
