
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

7: The Book of the Sevens

92. An Arahant

1"Bhikkhus, it is through the remoteness of seven things that one is an arahant.[n.1612] Ārakattā arahā hoti. What seven?

1"Ārakattā arahā hoti. Katamesaṁ sattannaṁ?

Personal-existence view is remote; doubt is remote; wrong grasp of behavior and observances is remote; lust is remote; hatred is remote; delusion is remote; conceit is remote. It is through the remoteness of these seven things that one is an arahant."

Sakkāyadiṭṭhi ārakā hoti, vicikicchā ārakā hoti, sīlabbataparāmāso ārako hoti, rāgo ārako hoti, doso ārako hoti, moho ārako hoti, māno ārako hoti. Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, sattannaṁ dhammānaṁ ārakattā arahā hotī"ti.
