
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

8: The Book of the Eights

75. Accomplishments (1)

1"Bhikkhus, there are these eight accomplishments. What eight? Accomplishment in initiative, accomplishment in protection, good friendship, balanced living, accomplishment in faith, accomplishment in virtuous behavior, accomplishment in generosity, and accomplishment in wisdom. These are the eight accomplishments."

1"Aṭṭhimā, bhikkhave, sampadā. Katamā aṭṭha? Uṭṭhānasampadā, ārakkhasampadā, kalyāṇamittatā, samajīvitā, saddhāsampadā, sīlasampadā, cāgasampadā, paññāsampadā – imā kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭha sampadāti.

2Enterprising in his occupations,
heedful in his arrangements,
balanced in his way of living,
he safeguards the wealth he earns.

2Uṭṭhātā kammadheyyesu,
appamatto vidhānavā;
Samaṁ kappeti jīvikaṁ,
sambhataṁ anurakkhati.

3Endowed with faith, accomplished in virtue,
charitable and devoid of miserliness,
he constantly purifies the path
that leads to safety in future lives.

3Saddho sīlena sampanno,
vadaññū vītamaccharo;
Niccaṁ maggaṁ visodheti,
sotthānaṁ samparāyikaṁ.

4Thus these eight qualities
of the faithful seeker of the household life
are said by the one who is truly named[n.1795a] Akkhātā saccanāmena. The one "truly named" is the Buddha, since the name "Buddha" corresponds to his real stature as an enlightened one. See too AN6.43, n. 1320.
to lead to happiness in both states:

4Iccete aṭṭha dhammā ca,
saddhassa gharamesino;
Akkhātā saccanāmena,
ubhayattha sukhāvahā.

5To good and welfare in this very life,
and to happiness in future lives.
Thus for those dwelling at home,
their generosity and merit increase.

samparāyasukhāya ca;
Evametaṁ gahaṭṭhānaṁ,
cāgo puññaṁ pavaḍḍhatī"ti.
