
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

9: The Book of the Nines

21. Respects

1"Bhikkhus, in three respects the people of Uttarakuru surpass the Tāvatiṁsa devas and the people of Jambudīpa.[n.1884] Uttarakuru: the continent to the north of Jambudīpa, perhaps Central Asia. What three? (1) They are without selfishness and possessiveness; (2) their life span is fixed; and (3) their living conditions are exceptional.[n.1885] Ce and Ee visesabhuno. Be visesaguṇā is likely to be a normalization. Mp offers no help. Mp-ṭ has a description of the living conditions in Uttarakuru. My rendering is a guess based on the assumption this account is intended to explain visesabhuno. In these three respects the people of Uttarakuru surpass the Tāvatiṁsa devas and the people of Jambudīpa.

1"Tīhi, bhikkhave, ṭhānehi uttarakurukā manussā deve ca tāvatiṁse adhiggaṇhanti jambudīpake ca manusse. Katamehi tīhi? Amamā, apariggahā, niyatāyukā, visesaguṇā – imehi kho, bhikkhave, tīhi ṭhānehi uttarakurukā manussā deve ca tāvatiṁse adhiggaṇhanti jambudīpake ca manusse.

2"In three respects the Tāvatiṁsa devas surpass the people of Uttarakuru and the people of Jambudīpa. What three? (4) In celestial life span, (5) in celestial beauty, and (5) in celestial happiness. In these three respects the Tāvatiṁsa devas surpass the people of Uttarakuru and the people of Jambudīpa.

2Tīhi, bhikkhave, ṭhānehi devā tāvatiṁsā uttarakuruke ca manusse adhiggaṇhanti jambudīpake ca manusse. Katamehi tīhi? Dibbena āyunā, dibbena vaṇṇena, dibbena sukhena – imehi kho, bhikkhave, tīhi ṭhānehi devā tāvatiṁsā uttarakuruke ca manusse adhiggaṇhanti jambudīpake ca manusse.

3"In three respects the people of Jambudīpa surpass the people of Uttarakuru and the Tāvatiṁsa devas. What three? (7) They are heroes; (8) they are mindful; and (9) there is the living of the spiritual life here. In these three respects the people of Jambudīpa surpass the people of Uttarakuru and the Tāvatiṁsa devas."

3Tīhi, bhikkhave, ṭhānehi jambudīpakā manussā uttarakuruke ca manusse adhiggaṇhanti deve ca tāvatiṁse. Katamehi tīhi? Sūrā, satimanto, idha brahmacariyavāso – imehi kho, bhikkhave, tīhi ṭhānehi jambudīpakā manussā uttarakuruke ca manusse adhiggaṇhanti deve ca tāvatiṁse"ti.
