
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Dhammapada - Chapter 15: Sukhavagga - Happiness

197Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the hostile. Amidst hostile men we dwell free from hatred.

197Susukhaṁ vata jīvāma,
verinesu averino;
Verinesu manussesu,
viharāma averino.

198Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the afflicted (by craving). Amidst afflicted men we dwell free from affliction.

198Susukhaṁ vata jīvāma,
āturesu anāturā;
Āturesu manussesu,
viharāma anāturā.

199Happy indeed we live, free from avarice amidst the avaricious. Amidst the avaricious men we dwell free from avarice.

199Susukhaṁ vata jīvāma,
ussukesu anussukā;
Ussukesu manussesu,
viharāma anussukā.

200Happy indeed we live, we who possess nothing. Feeders on joy we shall be, like the Radiant Gods.

200Susukhaṁ vata jīvāma,
yesaṁ no natthi kiñcanaṁ;
Pītibhakkhā bhavissāma,
devā ābhassarā yathā.

201Victory begets enmity; the defeated dwell in pain. Happily the peaceful live, discarding both victory and defeat.

201Jayaṁ veraṁ pasavati,
dukkhaṁ seti parājito;
Upasanto sukhaṁ seti,
hitvā jayaparājayaṁ.

202There is no fire like lust and no crime like hatred. There is no ill like the aggregates (of existence) and no bliss higher than the peace (of Nibbāna).

202Natthi rāgasamo aggi,
Natthi dosasamo kali;
Natthi khandhasamā dukkhā,
Natthi santiparaṁ sukhaṁ.

203Hunger is the worst disease, conditioned things the worst suffering. Knowing this as it really is, the wise realize Nibbāna, the highest bliss.

203Jighacchāparamā rogā,
saṅkhāraparamā dukhā;
Etaṁ ñatvā yathābhūtaṁ,
nibbānaṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ.

204Health is the most precious gain and contentment the greatest wealth. A trustworthy person is the best kinsman, Nibbāna the highest bliss.

204Ārogyaparamā lābhā,
Santuṭṭhiparamaṁ dhanaṁ;
Vissāsaparamā ñāti,
Nibbānaṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ.

205Having savored the taste of solitude and peace (of Nibbāna), pain-free and stainless he becomes, drinking deep the taste of the bliss of the Truth.

205Pavivekarasaṁ pitvā,
rasaṁ upasamassa ca;
Niddaro hoti nippāpo,
dhammapītirasaṁ pivaṁ.

206Good is it to see the Noble Ones; to live with them is ever blissful. One will always be happy by not encountering fools.

206Sāhu dassanamariyānaṁ,
sannivāso sadā sukho;
Adassanena bālānaṁ,
niccameva sukhī siyā.

207Indeed, he who moves in the company of fools grieves for longing. Association with fools is ever painful, like partnership with an enemy. But association with the wise is happy, like meeting one's own kinsmen.

207Bālasaṅgatacārī hi,
dīghamaddhāna socati;
Dukkho bālehi saṁvāso,
amitteneva sabbadā;
Dhīro ca sukhasaṁvāso,
ñātīnaṁva samāgamo.

208Therefore, follow the Noble One, who is steadfast, wise, learned, dutiful and devout. One should follow only such a man, who is truly good and discerning, even as the moon follows the path of the stars.

208Tasmā hi – Dhīrañca paññañca bahussutañca,
Dhorayhasīlaṁ vatavantamariyaṁ;
Taṁ tādisaṁ sappurisaṁ sumedhaṁ,
Bhajetha nakkhattapathaṁva candimā.

Sukhavaggo pannarasamo.