
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Dhammapada - Chapter 21: Pakinnakavagga - Miscellaneous

290If by renouncing a lesser happiness one may realize a greater happiness, let the wise man renounce the lesser, having regard for the greater.

passe ce vipulaṁ sukhaṁ;
Caje mattāsukhaṁ dhīro,
sampassaṁ vipulaṁ sukhaṁ.

291Entangled by the bonds of hate, he who seeks his own happiness by inflicting pain on others, is never delivered from hatred.

attano sukhamicchati;
verā so na parimuccati.

292The cankers only increase for those who are arrogant and heedless, who leave undone what should be done and do what should not be done.

292Yañhi kiccaṁ apaviddhaṁ,
akiccaṁ pana karīyati;
Unnaḷānaṁ pamattānaṁ,
tesaṁ vaḍḍhanti āsavā.

293The cankers cease for those mindful and clearly comprehending ones who always earnestly practice mindfulness of the body, who do not resort to what should not be done, and steadfastly pursue what should be done.

293Yesañca susamāraddhā,
niccaṁ kāyagatā sati;
Akiccaṁ te na sevanti,
kicce sātaccakārino;
Satānaṁ sampajānānaṁ,
atthaṁ gacchanti āsavā.

294Having slain mother (craving), father (self-conceit), two warrior-kings (eternalism and nihilism), and destroyed a country (sense organs and sense objects) together with its treasurer (attachment and lust), ungrieving goes the holy man.

294Mātaraṁ pitaraṁ hantvā,
rājāno dve ca khattiye;
Raṭṭhaṁ sānucaraṁ hantvā,
anīgho yāti brāhmaṇo.

295Having slain mother, father, two brahman kings (two extreme views), and a tiger as the fifth (the five mental hindrances), ungrieving goes the holy man.

295Mātaraṁ pitaraṁ hantvā,
rājāno dve ca sotthiye;
Veyagghapañcamaṁ hantvā,
anīgho yāti brāhmaṇo.

296Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the Recollection of the Qualities of the Buddha.

296Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
sadā gotamasāvakā;
Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
niccaṁ buddhagatā sati.

297Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the Recollection of the Qualities of the Dhamma.

297Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
sadā gotamasāvakā;
Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
niccaṁ dhammagatā sati.

298Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the Recollection of the Qualities of the Saṅgha.

298Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
sadā gotamasāvakā;
Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
niccaṁ saṅghagatā sati.

299Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily who day and night constantly practice Mindfulness of the Body.

299Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
sadā gotamasāvakā;
Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
niccaṁ kāyagatā sati.

300Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of non-violence.

300Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
sadā gotamasāvakā;
Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
ahiṁsāya rato mano.

301Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of meditation.

301Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
sadā gotamasāvakā;
Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
bhāvanāya rato mano.

302Difficult is life as a monk; difficult is it to delight therein. Also difficult and sorrowful is the household life. Suffering comes from association with unequals; suffering comes from wandering in samsara. Therefore, be not an aimless wanderer, be not a pursuer of suffering.

302Duppabbajjaṁ durabhiramaṁ,
Durāvāsā gharā dukhā;
Tasmā na caddhagū siyā,
Na ca dukkhānupatito siyā.

303He who is full of faith and virtue, and possesses good repute and wealth—he is respected everywhere, in whatever land he travels.

303Saddho sīlena sampanno,
Yaṁ yaṁ padesaṁ bhajati,
tattha tattheva pūjito.

304The good shine from afar, like the Himalaya mountains. But the wicked are unseen, like arrows shot in the night.

304Dūre santo pakāsenti,
himavantova pabbato;
Asantettha na dissanti,
rattiṁ khittā yathā sarā.

305He who sits alone, sleeps alone, and walks alone, who is strenuous and subdues himself alone, will find delight in the solitude of the forest.

305Ekāsanaṁ ekaseyyaṁ,
eko caramatandito;
Eko damayamattānaṁ,
vanante ramito siyā.

Pakiṇṇakavaggo ekavīsatimo.