90The fever of passion exists not for him who has completed the journey, who is sorrowless and wholly set free, and has broken all ties. | 90Gataddhino visokassa, vippamuttassa sabbadhi;
pariḷāho na vijjati. |
91The mindful ones exert themselves. They are not attached to any home; like swans that abandon the lake, they leave home after home behind. | 91Uyyuñjanti satīmanto, na nikete ramanti te;
Haṁsāva pallalaṁ hitvā,
okamokaṁ jahanti te. |
92Those who do not accumulate and are wise regarding food, whose object is the Void, the Unconditioned Freedom — their track cannot be traced, like that of birds in the air. | 92Yesaṁ sannicayo natthi, ye pariññātabhojanā;
Suññato animitto ca,
vimokkho yesaṁ gocaro;
Ākāseva sakuntānaṁ,
gati tesaṁ durannayā. |
93He whose cankers are destroyed and who is not attached to food, whose object is the Void, the Unconditioned Freedom — his path cannot be traced, like that of birds in the air. | 93Yassāsavā parikkhīṇā, āhāre ca anissito;
Suññato animitto ca,
vimokkho yassa gocaro;
Ākāseva sakuntānaṁ,
padaṁ tassa durannayaṁ. |
94Even the gods hold dear the wise one, whose senses are subdued like horses well trained by a charioteer, whose pride is destroyed and who is free from the cankers. | 94Yassindriyāni samathaṅgatāni, Assā yathā sārathinā sudantā;
Pahīnamānassa anāsavassa,
Devāpi tassa pihayanti tādino. |
95There is no more worldly existence for the wise one who, like the earth, resents nothing, who is firm as a high pillar and as pure as a deep pool free from mud. | 95Pathavisamo no virujjhati, Indakhilupamo tādi subbato;
Rahadova apetakaddamo,
Saṁsārā na bhavanti tādino. |
96Calm is his thought, calm his speech, and calm his deed, who, truly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil and wise. | 96Santaṁ tassa manaṁ hoti, santā vācā ca kamma ca;
upasantassa tādino. |
97The man who is without blind faith, who knows the Uncreated, who has severed all links, destroyed all causes (for karma, good and evil), and thrown out all desires — he, truly, is the most excellent of men. 98Inspiring, indeed, is that place where Arahants dwell, be it a village, a forest, a vale, or a hill. | 97Assaddho akataññū ca, sandhicchedo ca yo naro;
Hatāvakāso vantāso,
sa ve uttamaporiso. 98Gāme vā yadi vāraññe, Ninne vā yadi vā thale;
Yattha arahanto viharanti,
Taṁ bhūmirāmaṇeyyakaṁ. |
99Inspiring are the forests in which worldlings find no pleasure. There the passionless will rejoice, for they seek no sensual pleasures. | 99Ramaṇīyāni araññāni, yattha na ramatī jano;
Vītarāgā ramissanti,
na te kāmagavesino. Arahantavaggo sattamo. |