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Heavenly Sights, Soul and Body | 1. Brāhmaṇadūtavatthu |
1Thus have I heard. Once the Lord was staying at Vesālī, at the Gabled Hall in the Great Forest. And at that time a large number of Brahmin emissaries from Kosala and Magadha were staying at Vesālī on some business. And they heard say: 'The ascetic Gotama, son of the Sakyans, who has gone forth from the Sakya clan, is staying at Vesālī, at the Gabled Hall in the Great Forest. And concerning that Blessed Lord a good report has been spread about: "This Blessed Lord is an Arahant, a fully-enlightened Buddha, perfected in knowledge and conduct, a Well-Farer, Knower of the worlds, unequalled Trainer of men to be tamed, Teacher of gods and humans, a Buddha, a Blessed Lord." He proclaims this world with its gods, māras and Brahmas, the world of ascetics and Brahmins with its princes and peoples, having come to know it by his own knowledge. He teaches a Dhamma that is lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle and lovely in its ending, in the spirit and in the letter, and he displays the fully-perfected, thoroughly purified holy life. And indeed it is good to see such Arahants.' | 1Evaṁ me sutaṁ— ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā vesāliyaṁ viharati mahāvane kūṭāgārasālāyaṁ. Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā vesāliyaṁ paṭivasanti kenacideva karaṇīyena. Assosuṁ kho te kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā: "Samaṇo khalu, bho, gotamo sakyaputto sakyakulā pabbajito vesāliyaṁ viharati mahāvane kūṭāgārasālāyaṁ. Taṁ kho pana bhavantaṁ gotamaṁ evaṁ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggato: 'itipi so bhagavā arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā'. So imaṁ lokaṁ sadevakaṁ samārakaṁ sabrahmakaṁ sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiṁ pajaṁ sadevamanussaṁ sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedeti. So dhammaṁ deseti ādikalyāṇaṁ majjhekalyāṇaṁ pariyosānakalyāṇaṁ sātthaṁ sabyañjanaṁ kevalaparipuṇṇaṁ parisuddhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ pakāseti. Sādhu kho pana tathārūpānaṁ arahataṁ dassanaṁ hotī"ti. |
2And so these Brahmin emissaries from Kosala and Magadha went to the Great Forest, to the Gabled Hall. At that time the Venerable Nāgita was the Lord's personal attendant. So they approached the Venerable Nāgita and said: 'Reverend Nāgita, where is the Reverend Gotama now staying? We would like to see him.' | 2Atha kho te kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā yena mahāvanaṁ kūṭāgārasālā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu. Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā nāgito bhagavato upaṭṭhāko hoti. Atha kho te kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā yenāyasmā nāgito tenupasaṅkamiṁsu. Upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ nāgitaṁ etadavocuṁ: "kahaṁ nu kho, bho nāgita, etarahi so bhavaṁ gotamo viharati? Dassanakāmā hi mayaṁ taṁ bhavantaṁ gotaman"ti. |
'Friends, it is not the right time to see the Lord. He is in solitary meditation.' But the Brahmins just sat down to one side and said: 'When we have seen the Lord Gotama, we will go.' | "Akālo kho, āvuso, bhagavantaṁ dassanāya, paṭisallīno bhagavā"ti. Atha kho te kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā tattheva ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu: "disvāva mayaṁ taṁ bhavantaṁ gotamaṁ gamissāmā"ti. |
The Licchavī Oṭṭhaddha | 2. Oṭṭhaddhalicchavīvatthu |
3Just then Oṭṭhaddha the Licchavi came to the Gabled Hall with a large company, saluted the Venerable Nāgita and stood aside, saying: 'Where is the Blessed Lord staying, the Arahant, the fully-enlightened Buddha? We would like to see him.' 'Mahāli,[n.179] This is his family-name or surname (gotta), as Gotama was the Buddha’s. RD in a note on names explains that this is a polite form of address remotely comparable to the now perhaps obsolescent English 'public school' use of surnames. it is not the right time to see the Lord, He is in solitary meditation.' But Oṭṭhaddha just sat down to one side, and said: 'When I have seen the Blessed Lord, the Arahant, the fully-enlightened Buddha, I will go.' | 3Oṭṭhaddhopi licchavī mahatiyā licchavīparisāya saddhiṁ yena mahāvanaṁ kūṭāgārasālā yenāyasmā nāgito tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ nāgitaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho oṭṭhaddhopi licchavī āyasmantaṁ nāgitaṁ etadavoca: "kahaṁ nu kho, bhante nāgita, etarahi so bhagavā viharati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho, dassanakāmā hi mayaṁ taṁ bhagavantaṁ arahantaṁ sammāsambuddhan"ti. "Akālo kho, mahāli, bhagavantaṁ dassanāya, paṭisallīno bhagavā"ti. Oṭṭhaddhopi licchavī tattheva ekamantaṁ nisīdi: "disvāva ahaṁ taṁ bhagavantaṁ gamissāmi arahantaṁ sammāsambuddhan"ti. |
4Then the novice Sīha[n.180] A very gifted young man, whose judgement was clearly respected by his seniors. came to the Venerable Nāgita, stood aside and said: 'Venerable Kassapa,[n.181] This was Nagita's family-name cf. n.179. these many Brahmin emissaries from Kosala and Magadha have come here to see the Lord, and Oṭṭhaddha the Licchavi, too, has come with a large company to see the Lord. It would be well, Venerable Kassapa, to allow these people to see him.' 'Well then, Siha, you announce them to the Lord.' 'Yes, Venerable Sir', said Siha. Then he went to the Lord, saluted him, stood aside and said: 'Lord, these Brahmin emissaries from Kosala and Magadha have come here to see the Lord, and Oṭṭhaddha the Licchavi likewise with a large company. It would be well if the Lord were to let these people see him.' | 4Atha kho sīho samaṇuddeso yenāyasmā nāgito tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā
āyasmantaṁ nāgitaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho sīho samaṇuddeso āyasmantaṁ nāgitaṁ etadavoca: "ete, bhante kassapa, sambahulā kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā idhūpasaṅkantā bhagavantaṁ dassanāya; oṭṭhaddhopi licchavī mahatiyā licchavīparisāya saddhiṁ idhūpasaṅkanto bhagavantaṁ dassanāya, sādhu, bhante kassapa, labhataṁ esā janatā bhagavantaṁ dassanāyā"ti. |
5'Then, Siha, prepare a seat in the shade of this dwelling.' 'Yes, Lord', said Siha, and did so.
| 5"Tena hi, sīha, tvaññeva bhagavato ārocehī"ti. "Evaṁ, bhante"ti kho sīho samaṇuddeso āyasmato nāgitassa paṭissutvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho sīho samaṇuddeso bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "ete, bhante, sambahulā kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā idhūpasaṅkantā bhagavantaṁ dassanāya, oṭṭhaddhopi licchavī mahatiyā licchavīparisāya saddhiṁ idhūpasaṅkanto bhagavantaṁ dassanāya. Sādhu, bhante, labhataṁ esā janatā bhagavantaṁ dassanāyā"ti. "Tena hi, sīha, vihārapacchāyāyaṁ āsanaṁ paññapehī"ti. "Evaṁ, bhante"ti kho sīho samaṇuddeso bhagavato paṭissutvā vihārapacchāyāyaṁ āsanaṁ paññapesi. |
6Then the Lord came out of his dwelling-place and sat down on the prepared seat. | 6Atha kho bhagavā vihārā nikkhamma vihārapacchāyāyaṁ paññatte āsane nisīdi. |
The Brahmins approached the Lord. Having exchanged courtesies with him, they sat down to one side. | Atha kho te kosalakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā māgadhakā ca brāhmaṇadūtā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavatā saddhiṁ sammodiṁsu. Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Oṭṭhaddhopi licchavī mahatiyā licchavīparisāya saddhiṁ yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. |
7But Oṭṭhaddha did obeisance to the Lord, and then sat down to one side, saying: 'Lord, not long ago Sunakkhatta the Licchavi[n.182] For more about Sunakkhatta, see DN 24. came to me and said: "Soon I shall have been a follower of the Lord for three years. I have seen heavenly sights, pleasant, delightful, enticing, but I have not heard any heavenly sounds that were pleasant, delightful, enticing." Lord, are there any such heavenly sounds, which Sunakkhatta cannot hear, or are there not?' | 7Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho oṭṭhaddho licchavī bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "purimāni, bhante, divasāni purimatarāni sunakkhatto licchaviputto yenāhaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā maṁ etadavoca: 'yadagge ahaṁ, mahāli, bhagavantaṁ upanissāya viharāmi, na ciraṁ tīṇi vassāni, dibbāni hi kho rūpāni passāmi piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no ca kho dibbāni saddāni suṇāmi piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyānī'ti. Santāneva nu kho, bhante, sunakkhatto licchaviputto dibbāni saddāni nāssosi piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, udāhu asantānī"ti? |
One-sided Samadhi | 2.1. Ekaṁsabhāvitasamādhi |
8'There are such sounds, Mahāli.' | 8"Santāneva kho, mahāli, sunakkhatto licchaviputto dibbāni saddāni nāssosi piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no asantānī"ti. |
'Then, Lord, what is the reason, what is the cause why Sunakkahtta cannot hear them?' | "Ko nu kho, bhante, hetu, ko paccayo, yena santāneva sunakkhatto licchaviputto dibbāni saddāni nāssosi piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no asantānī"ti? |
9'Mahāli, in one case a monk, facing east, goes into one-sided samādhi[n.183] A particular type of concentration. and sees heavenly sights, pleasant, delightful, enticing… but does not hear heavenly sounds. By means of this one-sided samadhi he sees heavenly sights but does not hear heavenly sounds. Why is this? Because this samādhi only leads to the seeing of heavenly sights, but not to the hearing of heavenly sounds. | 9"Idha, mahāli, bhikkhuno puratthimāya disāya ekaṁsabhāvito samādhi hoti dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. So puratthimāya disāya ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Puratthimāya disāya dibbāni rūpāni passati piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no ca kho dibbāni saddāni suṇāti piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni. Taṁ kissa hetu? Evañhetaṁ, mahāli, hoti bhikkhuno puratthimāya disāya ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. |
10'Again, a monk facing south, west, north goes into a one-sided samādhi and facing upwards, downwards or across sees heavenly sights in that direction, but does not hear heavenly sounds. Why is this? | 10Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhuno dakkhiṇāya disāya … pe … pacchimāya disāya … uttarāya disāya … uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ekaṁsabhāvito samādhi hoti dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. So uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Uddhamadho tiriyaṁ dibbāni rūpāni passati piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no ca kho dibbāni saddāni suṇāti piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni. |
Because this samādhi only leads to the seeing of heavenly sights, but not to the hearing of heavenly sounds. | Taṁ kissa hetu? Evañhetaṁ, mahāli, hoti bhikkhuno uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. |
11'In another case, Mahāli, a monk facing east…hears heavenly sounds but does not see heavenly sights… | 11Idha, mahāli, bhikkhuno puratthimāya disāya ekaṁsabhāvito samādhi hoti dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. So puratthimāya disāya ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Puratthimāya disāya dibbāni saddāni suṇāti piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no ca kho dibbāni rūpāni passati piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni. Taṁ kissa hetu? Evañhetaṁ, mahāli, hoti bhikkhuno puratthimāya disāya ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. |
12'Again, a monk facing south, west, north, facing upwards, downwards or across hears heavenly sounds, but does not see heavenly sights… | 12Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhuno dakkhiṇāya disāya … pe … pacchimāya disāya … uttarāya disāya … uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ekaṁsabhāvito samādhi hoti dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. So uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Uddhamadho tiriyaṁ dibbāni saddāni suṇāti piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no ca kho dibbāni rūpāni passati piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni. Taṁ kissa hetu? Evañhetaṁ, mahāli, hoti bhikkhuno uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ekaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānaṁ saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, no ca kho dibbānaṁ rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. |
13'In another case, Mahāli, a monk facing east goes into two-sided samādhi and both sees heavenly sights, pleasant, delightful, enticing and hears heavenly sounds. Why is this? Because this two-sided samadhi leads to both the seeing of heavenly sights and the hearing of heavenly sounds. | 13Idha, mahāli, bhikkhuno puratthimāya disāya ubhayaṁsabhāvito samādhi hoti dibbānañca rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ dibbānañca saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. So puratthimāya disāya ubhayaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānañca rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, dibbānañca saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Puratthimāya disāya dibbāni ca rūpāni passati piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, dibbāni ca saddāni suṇāti piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni. Taṁ kissa hetu? Evañhetaṁ, mahāli, hoti bhikkhuno puratthimāya disāya ubhayaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānañca rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ dibbānañca saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. |
14'Again, a monk facing south, west, north, facing upwards, downwards or across sees heavenly sights and hears heavenly sounds … And that is the reason why Sunakkhatta comes to see heavenly sights but not to hear heavenly sounds.'[n.184] The intolerably laboured repetition concerning a relatively unimportant matter is noteworthy, even in a style given to much repetition. This may be symptomatic of a late date for this Sutta. | 14Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhuno dakkhiṇāya disāya … pe … pacchimāya disāya … uttarāya disāya … uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ubhayaṁsabhāvito samādhi hoti dibbānañca rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, dibbānañca saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. So uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ubhayaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānañca rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ dibbānañca saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Uddhamadho tiriyaṁ dibbāni ca rūpāni passati piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, dibbāni ca saddāni suṇāti piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni. Taṁ kissa hetu? Evañhetaṁ, mahāli, hoti bhikkhuno uddhamadho tiriyaṁ ubhayaṁsabhāvite samādhimhi dibbānañca rūpānaṁ dassanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ, dibbānañca saddānaṁ savanāya piyarūpānaṁ kāmūpasaṁhitānaṁ rajanīyānaṁ. Ayaṁ kho, mahāli, hetu ayaṁ paccayo, yena santāneva sunakkhatto licchaviputto dibbāni saddāni nāssosi piyarūpāni kāmūpasaṁhitāni rajanīyāni, no asantānī"ti. |
15'Well, Lord, is it for the realisation of such samādhi states that monks lead the holy life under the Blessed Lord?' 'No, Mahāli, there are other things, higher and more perfect than these, for the sake of which monks lead the holy life under me.' | 15"Etāsaṁ nūna, bhante, samādhibhāvanānaṁ sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū bhagavati brahmacariyaṁ carantī"ti. "Na kho, mahāli, etāsaṁ samādhibhāvanānaṁ sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ caranti. Atthi kho, mahāli, aññeva dhammā uttaritarā ca paṇītatarā ca, yesaṁ sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ carantī"ti. |
Four Noble Fruits | 2.2. Catuariyaphala |
16–19'What are they, Lord?' 'Mahāli, in one case a monk, having abandoned three fetters, becomes a Stream-Winner, not liable to states of woe, firmly set on the path to enlightenment. Again, a monk who has abandoned the three fetters, and has reduced his greed, hatred and delusion, becomes a Once-Returner who, having returned to this world once more, will make an end of suffering. Again, a monk who has abandoned the five lower fetters takes a spontaneous rebirth[n.185] Opapātika: here in the specific sense of Non-Returner (anāgāmī). in a higher sphere and, without returning from that world, gains enlightenment. Again, a monk through the extinction of the corruptions reaches in this very life the uncorrupted deliverance of mind, the deliverance through wisdom, which he has realised by his own insight. That is another thing higher and more perfect than these, for the sake of which monks lead the holy life under me.' | 16"Katame pana te, bhante, dhammā uttaritarā ca paṇītatarā ca, yesaṁ sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū bhagavati brahmacariyaṁ carantī"ti? "Idha, mahāli, bhikkhu tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā sotāpanno hoti avinipātadhammo niyato sambodhiparāyaṇo. Ayampi kho, mahāli, dhammo uttaritaro ca paṇītataro ca, yassa sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ caranti. 17Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhu tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti. Ayampi kho, mahāli, dhammo uttaritaro ca paṇītataro ca, yassa sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ caranti. 18Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhu pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā opapātiko hoti, tattha parinibbāyī, anāvattidhammo tasmā lokā. Ayampi kho, mahāli, dhammo uttaritaro ca paṇītataro ca, yassa sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ caranti. 19Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhu āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati. Ayampi kho, mahāli, dhammo uttaritaro ca paṇītataro ca, yassa sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ caranti. Ime kho te, mahāli, dhammā uttaritarā ca paṇītatarā ca, yesaṁ sacchikiriyāhetu bhikkhū mayi brahmacariyaṁ carantī"ti. |
The Noble Eightfold Path | 2.3. Ariyaaṭṭhaṅgikamagga |
20'Lord, is there a path, is there a method for the realisation of these things?' 'There is a path, Mahāli, there is a method.' | 20"Atthi pana, bhante, maggo atthi paṭipadā etesaṁ dhammānaṁ sacchikiriyāyā"ti?
"Atthi kho, mahāli, maggo atthi paṭipadā etesaṁ dhammānaṁ sacchikiriyāyā"ti. |
21'And, Lord, what is this path, what is this method?' | 21"Katamo pana, bhante, maggo katamā paṭipadā etesaṁ dhammānaṁ sacchikiriyāyā"ti? |
'It is the Noble Eightfold Path, namely Right View, Right Thought; Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood; Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration. This is the path, this is the way to the realisation of these things.' | "Ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo. Seyyathidaṁ— sammādiṭṭhi sammāsaṅkappo sammāvācā sammākammanto sammāājīvo sammāvāyāmo sammāsati sammāsamādhi. Ayaṁ kho, mahāli, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā etesaṁ dhammānaṁ sacchikiriyāya. |
Two Wanderers | 2.4. Dvepabbajitavatthu |
22'Once, Mahāli, I was staying at Kosambi, in the Ghosita Park. And two wanderers, Mandissa and Jāliya, the pupil of the wooden-bowl ascetic, came to me, exchanged courtesies with me, and sat down to one side. Then they said: "How is it, friend Gotama, is the soul[n.186] Jīvaṁ: 'Life-principle'. the same as the body, or is the soul one thing and the body another?" "Well now, friends, you listen, pay proper attention, and I will explain." "Yes, friend", they said, and I went on: | 22Ekamidāhaṁ, mahāli, samayaṁ kosambiyaṁ viharāmi ghositārāme. Atha kho dve pabbajitā—muṇḍiyo ca paribbājako jāliyo ca dārupattikantevāsī yenāhaṁ tenupasaṅkamiṁsu. Upasaṅkamitvā mayā saddhiṁ sammodiṁsu. Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhaṁsu. Ekamantaṁ ṭhitā kho te dve pabbajitā maṁ etadavocuṁ: 'kiṁ nu kho, āvuso gotama, taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīraṁ, udāhu aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti? |
23"Friends, a Tathagata arises in the world, an Arahant, fully-enlightened Buddha, endowed with wisdom and conduct, Well-Farer, Knower of the worlds, incomparable Trainer of men to be tamed, Teacher of gods and humans, enlightened and blessed. He, having realised it by his own super-knowledge, proclaims this world with its devas, maras and Brahmas, its princes and people. He preaches the Dhamma which is lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, lovely in its ending, in the spirit and in the letter, and displays the fully-perfected and purified holy life. | 23'Tena hāvuso, suṇātha sādhukaṁ manasi karotha bhāsissāmī'ti. 'Evamāvuso'ti kho te dve pabbajitā mama paccassosuṁ. Ahaṁ etadavocaṁ: 'idhāvuso tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho … pe … Evaṁ kho, āvuso, bhikkhu sīlasampanno hoti. |
24"A disciple goes forth and practises the moralities Sutta 2, verses 41–63. On account of his morality, he sees no danger anywhere. He experiences in himself the blameless bliss that comes from maintaining this Ariyan morality. In this way, he is perfected in morality. as Sutta 2, verses 64–74 …It is as if he were freed from debt, from sickness, from bonds, from slavery, from the perils of the desert… Being thus detached from sense-desires, detached from unwholesome states, he enters and remains in the first jhāna … and so suffuses, drenches, fills and irradiates his body, that there is no spot in his entire body that is untouched by this delight and joy born of detachment. Now of one who thus knows and thus sees, is it proper to say: 'The soul is the same as the body', or 'The soul is different from the body'?" "It is not, friend."[n.187] Cf. DN 1.153. Some MSS have: 'It is, friend'. "But I thus know and see, and I do not say that the soul is either the same as, or different from the body." "And the same with the second…, the third…, the fourth jhāna as Sutta 2, verses 77–82. "The mind bends and tends towards knowledge and vision. Now, of one who thus knows and thus sees, is it proper to say: 'The soul is the same as the body', or 'The soul is different from the body'?" "It is not, friend." | 24… pe … Paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati. Yo kho, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ nu kho tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti? Yo so, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā, 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti. Ahaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, evaṁ jānāmi evaṁ passāmi. Atha ca panāhaṁ na vadāmi: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vā … pe … dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ … tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ … catutthaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati. Yo kho, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ nu kho tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti? Yo so, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti. Ahaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, evaṁ jānāmi evaṁ passāmi. Atha ca panāhaṁ na vadāmi: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vā … pe … ñāṇadassanāya cittaṁ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti … yo kho, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ nu kho tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti? … pe … Yo so, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti. Ahaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, evaṁ jānāmi evaṁ passāmi. Atha ca panāhaṁ na vadāmi: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vā. |
25"He knows: 'There is nothing further here.' Now of one who thus knows and thus sees, is it proper to say: 'The soul is the same as the body', or 'The soul is different from the body'?" "It is not, friend." "But I thus know and see, and I do not say that the soul is either the same as, or different from the body."' | 25… pe … Nāparaṁ itthattāyāti pajānāti. Yo kho, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati, kallaṁ nu kho tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti? Yo so, āvuso, bhikkhu evaṁ jānāti evaṁ passati na kallaṁ tassetaṁ vacanāya: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vāti. Ahaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, evaṁ jānāmi evaṁ passāmi. Atha ca panāhaṁ na vadāmi: 'taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīran'ti vā 'aññaṁ jīvaṁ aññaṁ sarīran'ti vā"ti. |
26Thus the Lord spoke, and Oṭṭhaddha the Licchavi rejoiced at his words. | 26Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamano oṭṭhaddho licchavī bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandīti. Mahālisuttaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ chaṭṭhaṁ. |