
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN1: Connected Discourses with Devatas

SN1:53 The Friend

1v.187 "What is the friend of one on a journey?
What is the friend in one's own home?
What is the friend of one in need?
What is the friend in the future life?"[n.117] Reading in pāda a (in the next verse too) pavasato with Be, Se, and Ee2, as against pathavato in Ee1.

2v.188 "A caravan is the friend of one on a journey;
A mother is the friend in one's own home;
A comrade when the need arises
Is one's friend again and again.
The deeds of merit one has done—
That is the friend in the future life."

1"Kiṁsu pavasato mittaṁ,
kiṁsu mittaṁ sake ghare;
Kiṁ mittaṁ atthajātassa,
kiṁ mittaṁ samparāyikan"ti.

2"Sattho pavasato mittaṁ,
mātā mittaṁ sake ghare;
Sahāyo atthajātassa,
hoti mittaṁ punappunaṁ;
Sayaṅkatāni puññāni,
taṁ mittaṁ samparāyikan"ti.