1v.201 "What is the scaffolding of verses?
What constitutes their phrasing?
On what base do verses rest?
What is the abode of verses?"
2v.202 "Metre is the scaffolding of verses;
Syllables constitute their phrasing;
Verses rest on a base of names;
The poet is the abode of verses."[n.120] Spk: Metre is the scaffolding of verses (chando nidanaṁ gathanaṁ): Metres, beginning with the gayatti, are the scaffolding of verses; for one beginning the preliminary verses first considers, "In which metre should it be?" Syllables constitute their phrasing (akkhara tasaṁ viyañjanaṁ): For syllables make up words, and words make up a verse, and a verse reveals the meaning. Verses rest on a base of names: One composing a verse composes it by relying on some name such as "the ocean" or "the earth." The poet is the abode where verses dwell: The abode (asaya) of verses is their support (patiṭṭha); verses come forth from the poet, and thus he is their support.
sn.i.39 |
1"Kiṁsu nidānaṁ gāthānaṁ,
kiṁsu tāsaṁ viyañjanaṁ;
Kiṁsu sannissitā gāthā,
kiṁsu gāthānamāsayo"ti.
2"Chando nidānaṁ gāthānaṁ,
akkharā tāsaṁ viyañjanaṁ;
Nāmasannissitā gāthā,
kavi gāthānamāsayo"ti.
Jarāvaggo chaṭṭho.
3Jarā ajarasā mittaṁ,
vatthu tīṇi janāni ca;
Uppatho ca dutiyo ca,
kavinā pūrito vaggoti.