
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN1: Connected Discourses with Devatas

SN1:60 Poetry

1v.201 "What is the scaffolding of verses?
What constitutes their phrasing?
On what base do verses rest?
What is the abode of verses?"

2v.202 "Metre is the scaffolding of verses;
Syllables constitute their phrasing;
Verses rest on a base of names;
The poet is the abode of verses."[n.120] Spk: Metre is the scaffolding of verses (chando nidanaṁ gathanaṁ): Metres, beginning with the gayatti, are the scaffolding of verses; for one beginning the preliminary verses first considers, "In which metre should it be?" Syllables constitute their phrasing (akkhara tasaṁ viyañjanaṁ): For syllables make up words, and words make up a verse, and a verse reveals the meaning. Verses rest on a base of names: One composing a verse composes it by relying on some name such as "the ocean" or "the earth." The poet is the abode where verses dwell: The abode (asaya) of verses is their support (patiṭṭha); verses come forth from the poet, and thus he is their support.


1"Kiṁsu nidānaṁ gāthānaṁ,
kiṁsu tāsaṁ viyañjanaṁ;
Kiṁsu sannissitā gāthā,
kiṁsu gāthānamāsayo"ti.

2"Chando nidānaṁ gāthānaṁ,
akkharā tāsaṁ viyañjanaṁ;
Nāmasannissitā gāthā,
kavi gāthānamāsayo"ti.

Jarāvaggo chaṭṭho.

3Jarā ajarasā mittaṁ,
vatthu tīṇi janāni ca;
Uppatho ca dutiyo ca,
kavinā pūrito vaggoti.