1v.205 "By what is the world led around?
By what is it dragged here and there?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?"
2v.206 "The world is led around by mind;
By mind it's dragged here and there.
Mind is the one thing that has
All under its control."[n.122] The verb in pāda b is passive. Spk to v. 246 glosses the active parikassati as parikaḍḍhati, to drag around. Spk: Those who come under the control of the mind are subjected to total obsession. Spk-pṭ: The sutta speaks of those who have not fully understood reality. But those who have fully understood the aggregates and abandoned the defilements do not come under control of the mind; rather, it is the mind that comes under their control.