1–2At Sāvatthī. "Bhikkhus, I set out seeking the gratification in the earth element. Whatever gratification there is in the earth element—that I discovered. I have clearly seen with wisdom just how far the gratification in the earth element extends. "Bhikkhus, I set out seeking the danger in the earth element. Whatever danger there is in the earth element—that I discovered. I have clearly seen with wisdom just how far the danger in the earth element extends. | 1Sāvatthiyaṁ vihārati. "Pathavīdhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave, assādapariyesanaṁ acariṁ, yo pathavīdhātuyā assādo tadajjhagamaṁ, yāvatā pathavīdhātuyā assādo paññāya me so sudiṭṭho. Pathavīdhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave, ādīnavapariyesanaṁ acariṁ, yo pathavīdhātuyā ādīnavo tadajjhagamaṁ, yāvatā pathavīdhātuyā ādīnavo paññāya me so sudiṭṭho. Pathavīdhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave, nissaraṇapariyesanaṁ acariṁ, yaṁ pathavīdhātuyā nissaraṇaṁ tadajjhagamaṁ, yāvatā pathavīdhātuyā nissaraṇaṁ paññāya me taṁ sudiṭṭhaṁ. |
"Bhikkhus, I set out seeking the escape from the earth element. Whatever escape there is from the earth element—that I discovered. I have clearly seen with wisdom just how far the escape from the earth element extends. "Bhikkhus, I set out seeking the gratification in … the danger in … the escape from the water element … the heat element … the air element. Whatever escape there is from the air element—that I discovered. I have clearly seen with wisdom just how far the escape from the earth element extends. | 2Āpodhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave … pe … tejodhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave … vāyodhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave, assādapariyesanaṁ acariṁ, yo vāyodhātuyā assādo tadajjhagamaṁ, yāvatā vāyodhātuyā assādo paññāya me so sudiṭṭho. Vāyodhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave, ādīnavapariyesanaṁ acariṁ, yo vāyodhātuyā ādīnavo tadajjhagamaṁ, yāvatā vāyodhātuyā ādīnavo paññāya me so sudiṭṭho. Vāyodhātuyāhaṁ, bhikkhave, nissaraṇapariyesanaṁ acariṁ, yaṁ vāyodhātuyā nissaraṇaṁ tadajjhagamaṁ, yāvatā vāyodhātuyā nissaraṇaṁ paññāya me taṁ sudiṭṭhaṁ. |
3–4"So long, bhikkhus, as I did not directly know as they really are the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of these four elements … as above sn.ii.172 … devas and humans. | 3Yāvakīvañcāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imāsaṁ catunnaṁ dhātūnaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ na abbhaññāsiṁ, neva tāvāhaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevake loke samārake sabrahmake sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya anuttaraṁ sammāsambodhiṁ abhisambuddhoti paccaññāsiṁ. |
"The knowledge and vision arose in me: ‘Unshakable is my liberation of mind; this is my last birth; now there is no more renewed existence.’" | 4Yato ca khvāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imāsaṁ catunnaṁ dhātūnaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ abbhaññāsiṁ, athāhaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevake loke samārake sabrahmake sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya anuttaraṁ sammāsambodhiṁ abhisambuddhoti paccaññāsiṁ. Ñāṇañca pana me dassanaṁ udapādi: ‘akuppā me vimutti, ayamantimā jāti, natthi dāni punabbhavo’"ti. Tatiyaṁ. |