SN14:34 Exclusively Suffering
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī. "Bhikkhus, if this earth element were exclusively suffering, immersed in suffering, steeped in suffering, and if it were not also steeped in pleasure, beings would not become enamoured with it. But because the earth element is pleasurable,[n.252] Spk: It is pleasurable in that it is a condition for pleasant feeling. immersed in pleasure, steeped in pleasure, and is not steeped only in suffering, beings become enamoured with it. sn.ii.174 |
2"Bhikkhus, if this water element were exclusively suffering … if this heat element were exclusively suffering … if this air element were exclusively suffering, immersed in suffering, steeped in suffering, and if it was not also steeped in pleasure, beings would not become enamoured with it. But because the air element is pleasurable, immersed in pleasure, steeped in pleasure, and is not steeped only in suffering, beings become enamoured with it. |
3"Bhikkhus, if this earth element were exclusively pleasurable, immersed in pleasure, steeped in pleasure, and if it were not also steeped in suffering, beings would not experience revulsion towards it. But because the earth element is suffering, immersed in suffering, steeped in suffering, and is not steeped only in pleasure, beings experience revulsion towards it. |
4"Bhikkhus, if this water element were exclusively pleasurable … if this heat element were exclusively pleasurable … if this air element were exclusively pleasurable, immersed in pleasure, steeped in pleasure, and if it were not also steeped in suffering, beings would not experience revulsion towards it. But because the air element is suffering, immersed in suffering, steeped in suffering, and is not steeped only in pleasure, beings experience revulsion towards it." |