
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN14: Connected Discourses on Elements

SN14:36 Arising

1At Sāvatthī. "Bhikkhus, the arising, continuation, production, and manifestation of the earth element is the arising of suffering, the continuation of disease, the manifestation of aging-and-death. [n.253] There is a lack of symmetry between the two clauses in this statement: the first strings together four terms: uppādo ṭhiti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo, but the sequel exemplifies only three, omitting abhinibbatti. This is done consistently whenever this "template" is applied, as at SN22.30 and 35:21–22. The arising, continuation, production, and manifestation of the water element … the heat element … the air element is the arising of suffering, the continuation of disease, the manifestation of aging-and-death.

1Sāvatthiyaṁ vihārati. "Yo, bhikkhave, pathavīdhātuyā uppādo ṭhiti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo, dukkhasseso uppādo rogānaṁ ṭhiti jarāmaraṇassa pātubhāvo. Yo āpodhātuyā … pe … yo tejodhātuyā … yo vāyodhātuyā uppādo ṭhiti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo, dukkhasseso uppādo rogānaṁ ṭhiti jarāmaraṇassa pātubhāvo.

2"The cessation, subsiding, and passing away of the earth element … the air element is the cessation of suffering, the subsiding of disease, the passing away of aging-and-death."

2Yo ca kho, bhikkhave, pathavīdhātuyā nirodho vūpasamo atthaṅgamo, dukkhasseso nirodho rogānaṁ vūpasamo jarāmaraṇassa atthaṅgamo. Yo āpodhātuyā … pe … yo tejodhātuyā … yo vāyodhātuyā nirodho vūpasamo atthaṅgamo, dukkhasseso nirodho rogānaṁ vūpasamo jarāmaraṇassa atthaṅgamo"ti.
