
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN22: Connected Discourses on the Aggregates

SN22:132 Origin (2)

1At Baraṇasi in the Deer Park at Isipatana … . "Friend Sāriputta, it is said, ‘true knowledge, true knowledge.’ What now, friend, is true knowledge, and in what way has one arrived at true knowledge?"

1Bārāṇasiyaṁ vihāranti isipatane migadāye … pe … ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā mahākoṭṭhiko āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ etadavoca: "‘vijjā, vijjā’ti, āvuso sāriputta, vuccati. Katamā nu kho, āvuso, vijjā; kittāvatā ca vijjāgato hotī"ti?

2"Here, friend, the instructed noble disciple understands as it really is the origin and the passing away, the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of form, feeling, perception, volitional formations, and consciousness. This, friend, is called true knowledge, and in this way one has arrived at true knowledge." sn.iii.175

2"Idhāvuso, sutavā ariyasāvako rūpassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. Vedanāya … pe … saññāya … saṅkhārānaṁ … viññāṇassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. Ayaṁ vuccatāvuso, vijjā; ettāvatā ca vijjāgato hotī"ti.
