
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN35: Connected Discourses on the Six Sense Bases

SN35:109 Things That Fetter

1"Bhikkhus, I will teach you the things that fetter and the fetter. Listen to that…[n.92] This sutta and the next parallel 22:120–21.

1"Saṁyojaniye ca, bhikkhave, dhamme desessāmi saṁyojanañca. Taṁ suṇātha.

"And what, bhikkhus, are the things that fetter, and what is the fetter? The eye, bhikkhus, is a thing that fetters; the desire and lust for it is the fetter there. The ear is a thing that fetters … The mind is a thing that fetters; the desire and lust for it is the fetter there. These are called the things that fetter, and this the fetter."

Katame ca, bhikkhave, saṁyojaniyā dhammā, katamañca saṁyojanaṁ? Cakkhuṁ, bhikkhave, saṁyojaniyo dhammo. Yo tattha chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ … pe … jivhā saṁyojaniyo dhammo … pe … mano saṁyojaniyo dhammo. Yo tattha chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. Ime vuccanti, bhikkhave, saṁyojaniyā dhammā, idaṁ saṁyojanan"ti.
