
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN36: Connected Discourses on Feeling

SN36:23 A Certain Bhikkhu

1Then a certain bhikkhu approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, sat down to one side, and said to him: "Venerable sir, what now is feeling? What is the origin of feeling? What is the way leading to the origination of feeling? What is the cessation of feeling? What is the way leading to the cessation of feeling? What is the gratification in feeling? What is the danger? What is the escape?" sn.iv.233

1Atha kho aññataro bhikkhu yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so bhikkhu bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "katamā nu kho, bhante, vedanā, katamo vedanāsamudayo, katamā vedanāsamudayagāminī paṭipadā? Katamo vedanānirodho, katamā vedanānirodhagāminī paṭipadā? Ko vedanāya assādo, ko ādīnavo, kiṁ nissaraṇan"ti?

2"There are, bhikkhu, these three feelings: pleasant feeling, painful feeling, neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. This is called feeling. With the arising of contact there is the arising of feeling. Craving is the way leading to the origination of feeling. With the cessation of contact there is the cessation of feeling. This Noble Eightfold Path is the way leading to the cessation of feeling; that is, right view … right concentration.

2"Tisso imā, bhikkhu, vedanā – sukhā vedanā, dukkhā vedanā, adukkhamasukhā vedanā. Imā vuccanti, bhikkhu, vedanā. Phassasamudayā vedanāsamudayo. Taṇhā vedanāsamudayagāminī paṭipadā. Phassanirodhā vedanānirodho. Ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo vedanānirodhagāminī paṭipadā, seyyathidaṁ – sammādiṭṭhi … pe … sammāsamādhi.

"The pleasure and joy that arise in dependence on feeling: this is the gratification in feeling. That feeling is impermanent, suffering, and subject to change: this is the danger in feeling. The removal and abandonment of desire and lust for feeling: this is the escape from feeling."

Yaṁ vedanāṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ vedanāya assādo; yaṁ vedanā aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā, ayaṁ vedanāya ādīnavo; yo vedanāya chandarāgavinayo chandarāgappahānaṁ, idaṁ vedanāya nissaraṇan"ti.
