
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN43: Connected Discourses on the Unconditioned

SN43:3 With Thought and Examination

1… "And what, bhikkhus, is the path leading to the unconditioned? Concentration with thought and examination; concentration without thought, with examination only; concentration without thought and examination:[n.367] This triad of concentrations occurs elsewhere in the Nikāyas, e.g., at DN III 219,19–20, MN III 162,14–15, and AN IV 300,28–301,1. A concentration without thought but with examination (avitakka vicāramatta samādhi) does not fit into the familiar sequence of the four jhānas, in which the first jhāna includes both thought and examination and the second excludes both. To reconcile the two schemes, the Abhidhamma supplements the fourfold sequence of jhānas with a fivefold sequence in which the second jhāna is the avitakka vicāramatta samādhi. The second jhāna of the tetrad then becomes the third jhāna of the pentad. See As 179–80, which explains the reasons for the two sets. this is called the path leading to the unconditioned … ."

1"Katamo ca, bhikkhave, asaṅkhatagāmimaggo? Savitakkasavicāro samādhi, avitakkavicāramatto samādhi, avitakkaavicāro samādhi – ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, asaṅkhatagāmimaggo … pe … .
