
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN46: Connected Discourses on the Factors of Enlightenment

SN46:46 Poor

1"Venerable sir, it is said, ‘poor, poor.’ In what way, venerable sir, is one called ‘poor’?"

1"‘Daliddo, daliddo’ti, bhante, vuccati. Kittāvatā nu kho, bhante, ‘daliddo’ti vuccatī"ti?

"Bhikkhus, it is because one has not developed and cultivated the seven factors of enlightenment that one is called ‘poor.’ What seven?" As above.

"Sattannaṁ kho, bhikkhu, bojjhaṅgānaṁ abhāvitattā abahulīkatattā ‘daliddo’ti vuccati. Katamesaṁ sattannaṁ? Satisambojjhaṅgassa … pe … upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa – imesaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ abhāvitattā abahulīkatattā ‘daliddo’ti vuccatī"ti.
