
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN47: Connected Discourses on the Establishments of Mindfulness

SN47:45 A Heap of the Wholesome

1"Bhikkhus, if one were to say of anything ‘a heap of the wholesome, ’ it is about the four establishments of mindfulness that one could rightly say this. For this is a complete heap of the wholesome, that is, the four establishments of mindfulness.

1"‘Kusalarāsī’ti, bhikkhave, vadamāno cattāro satipaṭṭhāne sammā vadamāno vadeyya. Kevalo hāyaṁ, bhikkhave, kusalarāsi, yadidaṁ – cattāro satipaṭṭhānā.

2What four? sn.v.187

2Katame cattāro?

"Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells contemplating the body in the body … feelings in feelings … mind in mind … phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly comprehending, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world.

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī vihārati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṁ; vedanāsu … pe … citte … pe … dhammesu dhammānupassī vihārati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṁ.

"If, bhikkhus, one were to say of anything ‘a heap of the wholesome, ’ it is about these four establishments of mindfulness that one could rightly say this. For this is a complete heap of the wholesome, that is, the four establishments of mindfulness."

‘Kusalarāsī’ti, bhikkhave, vadamāno ime cattāro satipaṭṭhāne sammā vadamāno vadeyya. Kevalo hāyaṁ, bhikkhave, kusalarāsi, yadidaṁ – cattāro satipaṭṭhānā"ti.
