SN48:12 In Brief (1)
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1"Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faculty of faith … the faculty of wisdom. These are the five faculties. |
"One who has completed and fulfilled these five faculties is an arahant. If they are weaker than that, one is a nonreturner; if still weaker, a once-returner; if still weaker, a stream-enterer; if still weaker, a Dhamma-follower; if still weaker, a faith-follower."[n.198] For the distinction between the dhammānusārī and the saddhānusārī, see SN25.1. Spk: The path of the dhammānusārī is sharp, his knowledge occurs valiantly. He cuts off the defilements effortlessly, like one cutting a plantain trunk with a sharp knife. The path of the saddhānusārī is not so sharp, nor does his knowledge occur so valiantly. He cuts off the defilements with effort, like one cutting a plantain trunk with a dull knife. |