SN48:14 In Brief (3)
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1"Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faculty of faith … the faculty of wisdom. These are the five faculties. |
"One who has completed and fulfilled these five faculties is an arahant. If they are weaker than that, one is … a faith-follower. |
"Thus, bhikkhus, one who activates them fully succeeds fully; one who activates them partly succeeds partly. The five faculties, bhikkhus, are not barren, so I say."[n.200] Spk: One who "activates them fully" (paripūrakārī), who practises fully the path of arahantship, "succeeds fully" (paripūraṁ ārādheti), i.e., achieves the fruit of arahantship. One who "activates them partly" (padesakārī), who practises the lower three paths, "succeeds partly" (padesaṁ ārādheti), i.e., achieves only the lower three fruits. Cp. AN3.87. |