SN48:24 One-Seeder
- fdg sc © Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (More copyright information)
1"Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faculty of faith … the faculty of wisdom. These are the five faculties. |
"One, bhikkhus, who has completed and fulfilled these five faculties is an arahant. If they are weaker than that, one is an attainer of Nibbāna in the interval; if still weaker, an attainer of Nibbāna upon landing; if still weaker, an attainer of Nibbāna without exertion; sn.v.205 if still weaker, an attainer of Nibbāna with exertion; if still weaker, one who is bound upstream, heading towards the Akaniṭṭha realm; if still weaker, a once-returner; if still weaker, a one-seeder; if still weaker, a clan-to-clanner; if still weaker, a seven-lives-at-moster; if still weaker, a Dhamma-follower; if still weaker, a faith-follower."[n.207] This sutta, reverting to the five spiritual faculties, seems out of place here. On the five kinds of nonreturner, see above n. 65. Spk: A one-seeder (ekabījī) is a stream-enterer who attains arahantship after only one more existence; a clan-toclanner (kolaṅkola), one who fares on in saṁsara for two or three existences and then makes an end to suffering; a seven-lives-at-moster (sattakhattuparama), one who is reborn seven times at most, without taking an eighth existence. The three are defined at Pp 15–16, with elaboration at Pp-a 195–97. |