
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN48: Connected Discourses on the Faculties

SN48:24 One-Seeder

1"Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The faculty of faith … the faculty of wisdom. These are the five faculties.

1"Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, indriyāni. Katamāni pañca? Saddhindriyaṁ … pe … paññindriyaṁ – imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañcindriyāni.

"One, bhikkhus, who has completed and fulfilled these five faculties is an arahant. If they are weaker than that, one is an attainer of Nibbāna in the interval; if still weaker, an attainer of Nibbāna upon landing; if still weaker, an attainer of Nibbāna without exertion; sn.v.205 if still weaker, an attainer of Nibbāna with exertion; if still weaker, one who is bound upstream, heading towards the Akaniṭṭha realm; if still weaker, a once-returner; if still weaker, a one-seeder; if still weaker, a clan-to-clanner; if still weaker, a seven-lives-at-moster; if still weaker, a Dhamma-follower; if still weaker, a faith-follower."[n.207] This sutta, reverting to the five spiritual faculties, seems out of place here. On the five kinds of nonreturner, see above n. 65. Spk: A one-seeder (ekabījī) is a stream-enterer who attains arahantship after only one more existence; a clan-toclanner (kolaṅkola), one who fares on in saṁsara for two or three existences and then makes an end to suffering; a seven-lives-at-moster (sattakhattuparama), one who is reborn seven times at most, without taking an eighth existence. The three are defined at Pp 15–16, with elaboration at Pp-a 195–97.

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ samattā paripūrattā arahaṁ hoti, tato mudutarehi antarāparinibbāyī hoti, tato mudutarehi upahaccaparinibbāyī hoti, tato mudutarehi asaṅkhāraparinibbāyī hoti, tato mudutarehi sasaṅkhāraparinibbāyī hoti, tato mudutarehi uddhaṁsoto hoti akaniṭṭhagāmī, tato mudutarehi sakadāgāmī hoti, tato mudutarehi ekabījī hoti, tato mudutarehi kolaṅkolo hoti, tato mudutarehi sattakkhattuparamo hoti, tato mudutarehi dhammānusārī hoti, tato mudutarehi saddhānusārī hotī"ti.
