
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN48: Connected Discourses on the Faculties

SN48:27 Arahant

1"Bhikkhus, there are these six faculties. What six? The eye faculty … the mind faculty.

1"Chayimāni, bhikkhave, indriyāni. Katamāni cha? Cakkhundriyaṁ, sotindriyaṁ, ghānindriyaṁ, jivhindriyaṁ, kāyindriyaṁ, manindriyaṁ.

"When, bhikkhus, having understood as they really are the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of these six faculties, a bhikkhu is liberated by nonclinging,[n.209] Here Be also reads bhikkhu in the definition, and so too below at SN48.33, in contrast to ariyāsavāka in the parallel texts 48:4–5. then he is called a bhikkhu who is an arahant, one whose taints are destroyed, who has lived the holy life, done what had to be done, laid down the burden, reached his own goal, utterly destroyed the fetters of existence, one completely liberated through final knowledge."

Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu imesaṁ channaṁ indriyānaṁ samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ viditvā anupādāvimutto hoti – ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ‘bhikkhu arahaṁ khīṇāsavo vusitavā katakaraṇīyo ohitabhāro anuppattasadattho parikkhīṇabhavasaṁyojano sammadaññāvimutto’"ti.
