
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Connected Discourses

SN48: Connected Discourses on the Faculties

SN48:31 Simple Version

1"Bhikkhus, there are these five faculties. What five? The pleasure faculty, the pain faculty, the joy faculty, the displeasure faculty, the equanimity faculty. These are the five faculties."[n.210] The distinctions among these faculties will be explained just below at SN48.36. Spk: It is pleasure and a faculty in the sense of controlling or dominating the conascent states: thus the "pleasure faculty," etc. Here, the pleasure, pain, and displeasure faculties are of the sense sphere only; the joy faculty is of three planes, excluding the formless sphere; the equanimity faculty is of four planes.
The allocation by way of planes is made on the basis of the Abhidhamma system, according to which physical pleasure and pain occur only in body-consciousness, a sense-sphere citta; displeasure, only in the cittas accompanied by aversion, likewise sense-sphere cittas; joy, in sense-sphere cittas, cittas of the lower three jhānas, and certain supramundane cittas; equanimity, in sense-sphere cittas, the fourth-jhāna citta of the form sphere, all formless-sphere cittas, and certain supramundane cittas. See CMA 3:2–4.

1"Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, indriyāni. Katamāni pañca? Sukhindriyaṁ, dukkhindriyaṁ, somanassindriyaṁ, domanassindriyaṁ, upekkhindriyaṁ – imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañcindriyānī"ti.
